marvelousmelissa Posts

Gluten-free Beer Growlers in Duluth

Can someone clue me in to which of our many local breweries offer anything gluten free? My out of town sister wants to bring a growler or two up north.

Looking for Wool Scraps From Your Unfinished Craft Projects

Have a bag of scraps from your old wool sweater crafting projects? Or a bunch of old wool sweaters from the project you never got to?

The wool sweater scrap mice are reproducing exponentially these days.

We can negotiate a price if you have what I can use.

Scrap Metal

Where does one sell scrap metal in Duluth? What’s the going price of copper per pound?

Hillside Public Orchard Events

Hillside Public Orchard Fall Community Events

Everyone welcome. Save the dates!

All “Weed and Feeds” this late summer/fall will be on Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m.

Bring a snack to share, eating utensils and plates, and a chair or blanket to sit on.  Dates are set but activities may vary due to orchard needs.

Skyline Drive Litterbugs: Please Keep Your Trash Out of My Backyard


This past weekend, I thought I would do my part to clean up the wooded area across the alley from my house.   It’s a small section of undeveloped land along Skyline Drive between the Coppertop Church and N. 7th Ave East.  Some garbage like the old bottles and paint can in the picture had been there for decades; other stuff —  like  the Subway receipt dated April 15, 2010 — just days.

Does Minnesota Nice not including littering?

Your Old Socks Could Be Recycled As These Cute Mice

The darn!sock mice are reproducing rapidly this spring.  Please save your old wooly winter socks.  See this previous PDD post for more details.

photo by Matthew Beier

Your Old Socks Deserve Reincarnation!

Duluthians are all about being green, but did you know that now you can even recycle your old wool socks?!

Don’t throw away your holey or mismatched winter socks, they can have a new life as darn!socks cat toys. Actually any heavyweight winter sock will do, they don’t have to be all wool. Just save the grungy white cotton athletic socks for the dog. And of course make sure they are clean!

You can drop off your holey or lonely single wooly socks at the Green Mercantile, 209 East Superior Street. Or call Melissa (728-0419) for other drop off or pickup options.

Both darn!socks and three blind mice cat toys are made in Duluth by Marvelous Melissa with help from feline assistants Aven and Itty Bitty.  Find them locally at the Green Mercantile, the Art Dock and Moxie Hollow.  And if you happen to be in Singapore at