David Cowardin Posts

River Place Campground Thefts

Residents at River Place Campground on the St. Louis River were evacuated during last week’s record flood. Shortly after, their homes were burglarized. Today they met with Duluth Police to assess their losses. Some belongings floated away in the flood, others were stolen … but residents at River Place said they feel lucky because other people in the northland had it worse.

Watch the video as police investigate and residents assess damages

Chester Park Dam

The dam at Chester Bowl washed away with the storm, taking canoeing programs with it. Director of the Chester Park Improvement Club, Thom Storm, said without the dam skiing programs could also see challenges.

Dogs looking for homes

My photo partner and I are filming a documentary on animal cruelty in Alabama. We have two weeks of filming left before we head back to Duluth, at which point we hope to bring dogs and puppies back with us to be adopted in the Northland. If you are looking to adopt, please let us know. There are countless animals looking for good homes. We will be documenting their journey from Alabama to Duluth to represent a happy ending to their less fortunate life in the south.

Contact David Cowardin at 218.290.7209.

More about the documentary here.

Big Water Bike Journal (Day 12-20)

On May 1, Zach Chase and Kris McNeal set off on their bicycles to circle the Great Lakes. It’s a trip that will take 90 days and span close to 6,000 miles. They are filming along the way and will produce a feature length documentary about the communities surrounding the Great Lakes and the importance of the natural beauty in our backyard. Check out the journal they have been keeping along the way.

Tischer Creek at Twilight Time Lapse

Last night I set my hammock underneath a footbridge in Tischer Creek to sleep over trickling water and under a starry sky. Using LED lights I lit the water and the hammock and came out with this time lapse. I hope to try this again but with different camera settings so I can capture star traces in the sky.

New outdoors website launches in Duluth

The goal of Duluth Outdoors is to be an online network for the outdoors community in the Arrowhead region of Lake Superior. Our indexed information is meant to provide visitors with recreational opportunities. Duluth is known for its outdoor recreation and now visitors and local outdoor enthusiasts can access those opportunities through one inclusive site.

Local photojournalists film animal abuse in the South

Two local photojournalists are filming a documentary on animal cruelty in the South and the people working to change the culture there. David Cowardin and Joe Olivieri spent two weeks in the gritty areas of rural Alabama and are hoping to return for more footage and interviews. They launched a Kickstarter to raise funds for another tour South. You can donate here.

If their trip is funded, they would like to rescue a dog and find it a better home in Duluth. Anyone interested in adopting a pet can contact David at 320-290-0877 or cowar006 @ d.umn.edu. The adopter would only be responsible for the adoption fee.

Adam Wheeler Comedy

I just shot this video for my friend, local comedian Adam Wheeler.

Big Wave Dave and the Ripples