This week: shindigs, hoedowns, hootenannies and cake!


Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.

It’s been a year and we’re still sorting out the mess. A public hearing of the Flood Recovery Grant Amendment is tonight at City Hall.

You can see three real life and really live newlywed couples compete for fabulous prizes at the Underground‘s reboot of the Newlywed Game on Tuesday.

Wednesday is United Way‘s Day of Caring, matching up volunteers with community needs.

The Chamber of Commerce hosts a Newer to Town Vista Cruise on Thursday.

This Friday is the Northland Frisbee Invitational in Cloquet.

Get your hoe down at the Barn Dance Weekend at the Brule River Barn Friday through Sunday.

This weekend is the Park Point Art Fair on Saturday and Sunday.

Happy birthday to us! Perfect Duluth Day turns 10 this Saturday and you are invited to a big free shindig at the Underground before the Trampled by Turtles and Atmosphere Concert at Bayfront so you can hit both.

So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know.



about 11 years ago

The first pass read as "hot nannie" - upon further review .....

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

I certainly wouldn't want to work the marriage license revocation counter the Monday morning after the Hot Nannie Hootenanny.

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