Perfect Duluth Day’s 20,000th Blog Post

After more than 21 years as “Duluth’s Duluthiest website,” Perfect Duluth Day today randomly hits the milestone of publishing its 20,000th blog post.

Is the post you are reading exactly the 20,000 post? Well, not really. A few posts over the years were deleted, so it’s impossible to know exactly how many there have been. But as of the moment this post went live there are 20,000 posts in the archive: 14,494 on the WordPress platform we’ve been using since 2009, 3,415 from the Movable Type era of September 2005 to January 2009, and 2,091 on the original platform, Blogger, which was used from June 2003 to September 2005.

On top of that, something like 85,000 events have been listed in the PDD Calendar since it launched in 2011.

So we’ve been busy.

Of course, Perfect Duluth Day could not continue without the support of its readers, donors and advertisers. So we once again say thanks for the support as we drop in our usual grovel for funds.

Help us roll out the next 20,000 features and 85,000 event listings.

(Enter the amount of your choice.)

PDD is dedicated to delivering information and entertainment with no paywalls and keeping advertising isolated from content, and we don’t intend to change. The thorough listings of hoopla on the PDD Calendar and the features on the PDD Blog come at a cost, however, and kindly dropping a few bucks in the PayPal account helps us keep rolling out the goods each and every perfect day.

Follow this link for more info about our fundraising.


David Beard

about 1 week ago

How do I find out what % of the total were me, emoting in public?

David Beard

about 1 week ago

6%!  6% of the "Wordpress era!"

Jim Richardson (aka Lake Superior Aquaman)

about 1 week ago

Just posted this on my Facebook page saying: Congrats Perfect Duluth Day. I remember back in the old Co-op where Burrito Union is now, circa 2000 or whenever it was, and I ran into Starfire at the community bulletin board. He was pinning something announcing PDD's inception and he told me about it and invited me to start posting. I haven't always posted regularly, and like all social media or whatever I have had a love-hate relationship with it. There were times when I forced myself to ignore it, and times when I tried to have every post on the front page. I push editor Paul Lundgren's patience to the limit when I am on my bullshit but our relationship precedes PDD and I know he wants to keep PDD weird. 

I have loved watching it grow from local blog to coolest local news source and local business. I fondly recall its many eras, including the scandals, hoaxes, and flame wars. My favorite comment was from an epic flame war which escalated until someone posted the entire text of a Shakespeare play as a comment, maybe it was the entire works of Shakespeare ... made me feel like it was the wild west. These days the flame wars are more likely to be found on its Facebook page, lol. 

PDD is the longest-running local media I have been associated with, providing me with space to develop ideas over many years. A lot of my best material started as PDD posts and then got picked up elsewhere. PDD is invaluable to the city and to me personally.

Paul Lundgren

about 1 week ago

Only as weird as Duluth. 

OK, maybe a touch weirder. Being Duluth's Duluthiest website occasionally demands being Duluthier than Duluth.

I don't miss comment wars, but they had their place prior to 2010. By 2011 they were soooo 2010.

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