PDD Quiz: Merry Kiss Cam Filming Locations
‘Tis the season for cheesy holiday movies! This week’s quiz tests your knowledge of filming locations for Merry Kiss Cam, which was shot in Duluth during the summer of 2022.
A year-in-review PDD quiz comes your way on Dec. 29. Please email question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Dec. 26.
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#1. An art show at the beginning of the film was filmed in this location.
Learn more about the Moorish Room on the Greysolon Ballroom website.

#2. Where were the hockey scenes filmed?
Fans looking to catch a real UMD Bulldogs hockey game should head over to Amsoil Arena.

#3. This Duluth pub is the setting for much of the action in Merry Kiss Cam.
Carmody goes by its real name in the movie (though you won’t find a Wurlitzer there).

#4. Protagonist Jess teaches art classes at this location.
This scene was filmed inside the Lincoln Park building; find class offerings and events here.

#5. Jess eats a handful of snow in front of this building.
The less said about this the better.

#6. In which business was this scene filmed?
Learn more about Mainstream Fashions for Men on its website.

#7. Jess and Danny have a date in a revolving restaurant. What was the restaurant's name at the time of filming?
The space is now known as Harbor 360. Learn more about the history of the restaurant on the Duluth News Tribune website.

#9. Jess and Danny pop into this candy store.
Formerly Fannie Rose, Duluth Candy Co. specializes in flavored popcorn.

#10. Where was this scene filmed?
The False Eyedoll Lounge has since closed.
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