‘Tis the season for car prowls, theft

Stolen Blue Audi Blue audi

There’s an old saying in Duluth that cold weather keeps the riff raff out. Logic follows that summertime is the peak season for car prowls and even the occasional theft. A blue Audi A4 convertible like the one shown above was stolen on the evening of July 31. (Update: Police have recovered it.)

Duluth Police routinely remind citizens to lock their vehicles, remove valuables and report suspicious activity to 911.

From a Duluth Police Department news release:

Vehicle prowls are crimes of opportunity and can occur anywhere, at any time of the day or night. A car prowler makes a split-second decision to break into a vehicle based on their observation or perception that there are valuables in the vehicle making it worth the risk. A car prowl can be completed in less than one minute. Most (not all) neighborhood car prowls occur between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.. Car prowls associated with recreational areas tend to occur in the late afternoon and early evening. Vehicles are usually entered through an unlocked door or by breaking a window.

Car Prowl Prevention
Vehicle prowls are one of the easiest crimes to reduce with increased awareness. The following preventative measures will reduce the chances of being the target of a vehicle prowl:

  • First and foremost, never leave valuables including bags, purses, wallets, briefcases, laptops, cell phones, etc. in your vehicle. Keep the interior clean and don’t leave anything that may appear valuable (box for iPhone, envelope from bank, etc.).
  • Don’t store or leave credit cards, identification, or personal information in your glove box or anywhere in your car. Remove garage door openers, key cards, and house or work keys from the car so the car prowler cannot gain access to your home.
  • If you must leave valuables in your car, place them in the trunk before you get to your destination.
  • Before leaving you parked car, roll up the windows, remove the keys, lock the door, and set the alarm (if you have one). Do not hide car keys in or on vehicle; thieves know where to look for hidden keys.
  • Try to park in busy, well-lit areas. Avoid parking near anything that limits visibility like dumpsters, large vans or trucks.
  • Report any suspicious activity to the police. One of the most important things you can do is report all suspicious activity to 911 and encourage your neighbors to do the same.

If your car is broken into or there is a car prowl in progress, call 911. With your help, car prowls will go down and police have a better chance of catching those responsible.

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