Bird’s Eye View of Leif Erickson Park

Here’s the first installment in the North Shore Series by BlueSky Aerial. I flew around Leif Erickson Park in Duluth and got some really gorgeous video! If you like what you see and/or you want to learn more, don’t be afraid to like and subscribe on YouTube and keep checking in for more footage of the North Shore.



about 9 years ago

Please don't do this. This is a bad place to fly your toy. The FAA says you shouldn't fly near people and the video clearly shows you doing exactly that. Additionally there are frequently medical helicopters operating in the area and you are creating a hazard for them.


about 9 years ago

I'm not sure how I feel about drones and their safety, but it is cool to see the design of the park -- the circles from the air.


about 9 years ago

In other nerd-worthy gnus ... today, while being the last day of summer, is also Bilbo and Frodo Baggins' birthday, no shit!


about 9 years ago

"Hobby" drones are legally allowed to operate below 400 feet above the ground. This video shows that the quadcopter was no more than 200 feet above ground level.

Fun fact: in my day job flying professionally in a small, fast, single-engine aircraft, I have had three instances when I have nearly collided with some sort of unmanned vehicle as high as 5,000 feet.

Steven Hlucny

about 9 years ago

Like most UAV operators who are serious about the hobby and/or business, safety is our number one priority. We rarely fly in places like this, but if we do we sedulously scout the area before flying, noting any high pedestrian traffic areas or possible trouble spots and drafting a rough flight plan. When we're satisfied, we take to the skies, but remain conscientious of what is happening around us throughout the duration of the flight. If anything happens that we don't like, we land immediately. You'll find that in this video I maintained a fairly low altitude (less than 400 feet AGL) and avoided flying over people for extended periods of time. Most of the video was spent flying over trees, open terrain, or the shore of Lake Superior.

Unlike the general hobbyist, who may not fully understand the equipment they're using or the potential consequences of using it improperly, we know our equipment inside and out (we built it after all) and can therefore avoid making foolish mistakes by knowing our own limitations. Furthermore, we've employed nearly every technological safety precaution known to the industry, including loss-of-signal and low-battery failsafes.

We are well aware of the FAA's guidelines on model aircraft flying. In fact, we abide by these rules as much as we can as they exist to make the air safer for everyone, including us hobbyists. I completely understand your concerns and I thank you for bringing them up. Accidents can happen to anyone anytime and drones are no exception, but such is life and I don't think that this drone is any more likely to hurt you than any of the vehicles you pass by on your way to work in the morning.

Cory Fechner

about 9 years ago

Nice video.  I am an operator too and I  like to remind UAV hobbyists to avoid taking risks when it comes to flying in public areas. It seems locally, and nationally, there are operators, some experienced and some not,  taking unnecessary risks quite often, by flying over large crowds and events. These videos then get viewed and promoted by other news/media outlets basically telling every new ready-to-fly drone operator with little or no experience that it is OK to fly over highly populated events like races, concerts and other outdoor events. 

What I see happening is these operators, that are openly advertising commercial usage, start to get more and more careless and take more and more risks each time they fly, putting public safety at risk. Not to mention commercial operation of UAVs is illegal without an FAA Part 333 exemption which no one in the Twin Ports area has. So when operators start to use UAVs commercially, money starts to trump the risks and common sense loses out to making cash.  

The FAA knows that when money enters the equation people get stupid and take many more risks and in the case of UAVs that puts the public at serious risk. This is a major reason why they are being very careful in releasing the commercial regulations that we are all so patiently waiting for. Operators need to remember when flying most people do not want a 3 to 5 pound, noisy object flying over their heads. Some might think it's neat, but most do not, it is a distraction and it is something they feel could harm them so they are forced to either move, leave or keep looking up.

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