Happy dozenth birthday to us

Kissing Booth HanabiAaronGall Food Share christmas08 car-with-ATV Captured berries woodland-caribou Wilco Ness ThumbsUp Diorama The Release SoundUnseenNorShor RosvallOptics prop8four Meatloaf Mandell at Quinlan's 2009HCIS leif-erickson LastBow FireOnTheWater

Perfect Duluth Day is twelve years old today – Monday, June 29, 2015. The official celebration is at the Red Herring Lounge tonight at 8 p.m. Because it’s our dozenth birthday, there will be complimentary doughnuts from A Dozen Excuses Donuts. Serving as video DJ will be Lake Superior Aquaman. And there will be prizes and merriment as usual.

PDDXII Facebook invite (consider yourself invited)

Thanks to all of you for helping to keep Perfect Duluth Day perfect!

1 Comment

Paul Lundgren

about 9 years ago


We might have to back out of the complimentary doughnuts offer if it turns out that I eat them all before 8 p.m.

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