Lake Superior Writers 2013 writing contest winners announced

Lake Superior Writers is pleased to announce the winners of its 2013 Open Theme Writing Contest. The winners and their entries are:

Kathleen Roberts, poetry: “American Dream,” “The Fisherman” and “The Soldier”

Jill Hinners, short-short fiction: “Tending”

Jim Brakken, creative nonfiction: “Justice.” Also, Brakken is the author of The Treasure of Namakagon, a fact-based 1883 lumberjack adventure available at,, and many museums and shops in the northland.

Lake Superior Writers would like to thank all the writers in this region who submitted their work to this year’s contest. The writing submitted was plentiful and wonderful. Our judges had a great time reading all manuscripts and were very proud to select this year’s winners.

Kathleen Roberts, Jill Hinners and Jim Brakken will be reading from their winning works at Lake Superior Writers Annual Meeting and Contest Celebration and Reading on Sunday, May 19, 1 to 3 p.m., at Beaner’s Central Concert Coffeehouse, 324 Central Ave. N., Duluth.

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