Off Street Parking?

My wife and I own a home with 2 vehicles, and no off street parking. This can become a pain when we want to leave town for a long weekend and the sides switch on Sunday. I haven’t done too much investigating, but is there a decent solution to having to be back on Sunday night to move it, aside from selling a vehicle, asking someone to move it for us or taking the parking ticket? Is there a local lot that has a reasonable rate for several days of parking? Anybody anybody?



about 11 years ago

Well, it would be best to give your general area so we can suggest spots that are close to your location.


about 11 years ago

True story. I'm in the Chester Park area.


about 11 years ago

Talk to your neighbors.


about 11 years ago

No room for a little landscaping project to make a parking spot on your property?

even steven

about 11 years ago

Many cities, including Duluth, limit where parking spots can be located in the front yard, so that may not be an option.

On first blush the answer would be to ask friend, neighbor, or coworker if they would be ok with your vehicle on their property or garage for the short time that you are away.  

There are several parking garages in town that lease out spaces for $50 a month.  I wonder if you contacted one of these garages, if they would consider a shorter lease duration (like one or two weeks).  

Final idea.  It seems like it takes my local dealer a while to fix my car.  Building on that could schedule a car appointment before you leave and then pick it up from the dealer when you return.  Probably a long shot, but who knows.

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