Looking for grand ideas & Dulu-tia (Duluthminutia).

(Getting to the end — thank you so much for putting up with these January in Duluth encroachments in this wonderful space.)

Last day of January and I have a few sackfuls of questions with incomplete/partial answers. With time running out, maybe you can give me a few hints on my homework? Below, I’ve boiled down a list of [A] v. [B]s, isolating dichotomies about life here in Duluth — if you have a few extra intro/outrospective minutes to kill today, I’d love to hear how you’d weigh in on any or all of these. Of course, in each matchup there’s no need to declare a clearcut winner (balance in all things), so your answers can take the form of one word or a phrase or a few thoughts or an essay if you’re exceptionally motivated.

(1) Isolation v. Community.

(2) Passion v. Responsibility.

(3) Nostalgia v. Trailblazing.

(4) Cynicism v. Optimism.

(5) Underdog Mindset v. Inferiority Complex.

(6) Willing Confrontation v. Passive Aggression.

(7) Coffee v. Beer.

(8) East v. West? How deep is the division?

(9) “Come enjoy our wonderful city!” v. “Stay the hell out.”

(10) If Duluth were un-propered into a regular vocabulary word, “duluth,” what part of speech would it be (to duluth, a duluth day, look at that duluth) and what would its definition be?



about 12 years ago

(1) Isolation v. Community.

Community is fine, but overrated, and many geniuses made breakthroughs in isolation.  Wasn't Newton a hermit?  I'm practically like Newton.  He and I are practically indistinguishable.

(2) Passion v. Responsibility.

Responsibility?  Hah?  Crap, my dog just crapped all over the living room floor.  Oh well!  It stinks in here already.

(3) Nostalgia v. Trailblazing.

It's best to live in the past.  The future is scary!

(4) Cynicism v. Optimism.

Why would I be cynical about the end of the human race?

(5) Underdog Mindset v. Inferiority Complex.

Everyone roots for the underdog... stupid!  Wait, what is the difference between being and underdog and feeling inferior?

(6) Willing Confrontation v. Passive Aggression.

Passive aggression all the way.  It's always healthier to grit your teeth to nubbins, and then go home and drink until you feel like victorious while thinking about what you could (should) have said.

(7) Coffee v. Beer.

Seriously?  This is a question?  Duh!!!

(8) East v. West? How deep is the division?

We're all Duluthians!  (though some of us are authentic and some are posers, ahem...)

(9) "Come enjoy our wonderful city!" v. "Stay the hell out."

Yeah, stay the hell out of the city - stick to Anal park, and spend as much money as possible.

(10) If Duluth were un-propered into a regular vocabulary word, "duluth," what part of speech would it be (to duluth, a duluth day, look at that duluth) and what would its definition be?

To Duluth is to pleasure oneself.  Duluth is pleasure.  A verb and a noun in one!


about 12 years ago

PS:  Sorry I was unable to spell correctly.  The fancy new affect where every character I type is previewed for me threw me for a loop!  Javascript is really something!


about 12 years ago

This hits a little too close to home for me.  It seems like you have come to understand Duluth if you are asking these questions.

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