Tornado Warning in Duluth?

Today is the first Wednesday of the month, and that’s when the emergency sirens are routinely tested, but today’s drill was a little unusual. The siren went off three times, and the middle siren was followed by a “tornado warning” and instructions to “take cover.”

I guess the snafu two weeks ago wasn’t an isolated incident.



about 14 years ago

I was over by Denfeld and heard that message as well, I went to my phone and pulled Weather Underground no active warnings posted.  This new warning system was oversold to our community by a pushy salesman who gave us exactly twice as many sirens as we needed to have, and the computer system running this whole thing is so over complicated because of poorly designed software, that we should expect errors like this all the time now. I noticed the audible voices echo that makes it difficult to understand the announcement in some areas as well.


about 14 years ago


What do you know about the software, the system, the price and how it is implemented?


about 14 years ago

I live very close to one of the sirens and frankly I am sick of these "mistakes."  Today I just kept working outside with my hands over my ears again and again and again..  Somebody needs to be held accountable (as in saying over that horrid speaker, "This is a JOKE; we screwed up again.")  Arrrrgh.  Not to mention the damage to my ears.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Weather alert FAIL!


about 14 years ago

Maybe we could turn each of the sirens into a bell tower.  If a storm is coming, a designated bell ringer (maybe someone from the Salvation Army) could run out and ring the pleasant sounding bell to alert us.


about 14 years ago

What I heard today was no different than what I've heard 4-5 times already this year.  They do tests like this regularly.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Maybe you heard something different, Mac, but I'm pretty sure the same message goes out across all neighborhoods in the city. 

It was normal at first, then it came on again and declared a warning. That does not usually happen, and would certainly not be a smart practice.


about 14 years ago

Today's message was hilarious. First...a regular warning, then a tornado warning.

The hundred other people at Park Point beach and myself looked up and thought...'Where's the tornado, is this really a drill anymore and where should I be taking cover?'


Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Having a siren go off when it shouldn't is annoying. Having a siren NOT go off when it should could be deadly. They really need to fix this shit - it's just not that hard.


about 14 years ago

I'd rather die in a tornado than have to listen to that unbelievably loud and annoying warning system ever again. Way to ruin a good storm! Also, I'll buy anyone a drink at Carmody if a tornado ever hits Duluth or Superior.


about 14 years ago

At this rate no one will pay attention when the warning finally works like it's supposed to. As in the boy who cried wolf.


about 14 years ago

I was with my group of preschoolers down at Playfront and half of them heard the "take cover" warning and started asking me where we should hide. I told them it was just a warning, but several of them only heard the part where it was like "you're all gonna die now" and wouldn't drop it.

Tom Maloney

about 14 years ago

Also, during last week's tornado warning, they accidentally sounded the "bomb threat" song (up and down pitch) rather than the "tornado warning" song (steady tone).  That, along with the bizzare, mumbled, echoing voice had me legitamately frightened and unsure what action to take.  Benzene spill?  bomb? coup?  I was relieved to see the storm on radar.


about 14 years ago

Has there been any explanation of these mistakes? Is it the city or the county who controls things?  Who is the authority I can direct my letter of complaint to?  Hope somebody can post that here, I am never sure who runs what in Duluth. 

In the first "mistake" I thought "Well, I am new to Duluth, I should pay attention," except the sky looks un-tornado, and I have seen my share of tornadoes in North Dakota.  Cats in kennel and to the basement we went, then heard a weather person say it was not so. 

Yesterday I didn't even bother to "Take Cover Immediately," the sky looked the same as before but not one thing on the weather.  

I just feel for all the people who have to take this seriously--those in nursing homes, child care places, schools, etc.  And explaining to those little kids like Evil R says, is troubling. We really do deserve an apology from the higher ups who are responsible. I will write a letter when I find out who to address it to.


about 14 years ago

The standard system test occurs every first Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm. As a native Duluthian, I have an unsubstantiated belief that I will not have to deal with a tornado within the city. However, it was pretty convenient to have the siren go off with the benzene spill. On behalf of the city, I apologize to any recent comers who are a little jumpy.


about 14 years ago

Siren goes off:
(1) Is it Wednesday?
(2a) Yes — ignore it.
(2b) No — look out the window / turn on news.

The day a Wednesday tornado (or Benzene spill) comes through, we're all finished.


about 14 years ago

And people griped about the old fog horn! This whole thing is ridiculous. 

I would address my complaints to Dave Montgomery, the city Chief Admin Officer. He's not the guy responsible but he knows who is. Having worked with Dave before, he's a real problem solved kind of guy!


about 14 years ago

Tim K:  Unless I have someone's official name, position, address, etc. I will not take seriously a post on "behalf of the city," For instance, Mayor Don Ness signs his full name and I appreciate that..   And as nice a gesture as your post is, it still doesn't tell us why all this happened twice. It seems as if you are saying, "get used to it, this is how Duluth is."  I don't buy that rhetoric. .


about 14 years ago

Thank you Piglet, appreciate the reference.


about 14 years ago

Jude- WOW, get over yourself. I was trying to lighten up a ridiculously overblown "whine fest."


about 14 years ago

It's not just a whine fest. We're supposed to take these warnings seriously, then laugh it off "aw shucks" style when they screw it up repeatedly? Apparently the movie "Idiocracy" was about present-day Duluth.


about 14 years ago

Okay, non-whiners, you can contact the Public Info Officer for the county.
[email protected] 
Public Information
100 N. 5th Avenue West #213
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 726-2447 
Here's the deal with my "pithy" comment. Have none of you people heard of Google? It took me .08 seconds to find out where to lodge a complaint. Perfect Duluth Day is awesome, but if I was really living in some kind of fear about an issue, this isn't where I'd expect to "find the protection that I needed." (sorry for the boost, Talking Heads).

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