The Batshit-Crazy Comes to Duluth

I see that Michelle Bachmann is speaking at Mr. D’s tomorrow. Sigh …



about 14 years ago

Someone should put a pie in her face.


about 14 years ago


Rebecca Hartong

about 14 years ago

At the very least, perhaps several Duluthians could gather to give her the welcome she so richly deserves. (Not pie.)


about 14 years ago

They recruited her to promote the duly designated sacrificial lamb to run against Obestar. (shrug)

That, and it's likely those in "power" figure if Mn loses a congressional seat in this year's census Obestar and Bachmann will end up in the same district so she'll end up running against him anyways at some point int he future. (actually my thinking is Bachmann will get her district split several ways and weather or not she'd actually end up living int he same district as Obestar is unknowable at this point.

I've serious concerns about some of Obestar's views, but frankly the Republicans have failed to put anyone up against him that would tempt me.

Danny G

about 14 years ago

So, are any of you folks going to be protesting this "event" this morning? I was going to stay home and get started on some spring cleaning, but if there's going to be some action I may just have to take a drive out west to watch the action.


about 14 years ago

batshit crazy is batshit does. kinda like hitching your wagon to "Crazy Eddie" of "Crazy Eddie's Auto Sales...His Prices are Insane!

i think mrs. horton's running against huntley, not oberstar, though.

so far as counterprotesting goes, I'm with Danny and am likely going to stay home and finish my laundry. Most of these Baggers are a little too unhinged...mentally...and the number of firearms that're likely to be present, coupled with the recent uptick in batshittery and violence associated with the fringe...i think i'll be playing it safe instead of showing up with a "My Country, My President, Right or Wrong...Love It Or Leave It" placard.

Dave Sorensen

about 14 years ago

The Republicans learned long ago that they can't win elections based on rational debate, facts, and the truth. It's all about fear and manipulating the emotions of ignorant people. I don't dismiss the genuine populist outrage out there, but much of it is misdirected and ill-informed. It is pointless to attempt to have a rational debate with with people who can't tell that Fux News is not fair and balanced. Save your breath.


about 14 years ago

All politicians, regardless of party, are rotten fucking people.

Dave Sorensen

about 14 years ago

I disagree, Hotrod. That's like saying all cops are rotten, or all Lawyers, etc. I would agree with you if you said "lots" of politicians are rotten people. I don't want to fall into the Tea-Bagger trap of simplistic generalizations, like:"all government is bad". Not that you said that.


about 14 years ago

I respected the Tea party movement last year when it start and liked some of the messages andrepespected their views and their ability at that time to articulate the serious problems that the government has, but now it is just a spewing of right wing cliche's, the backing of "do nothing to fix the problems" and the parties embracment of people like Sarah Palin and Bachman really shows a lack of change in politics and more of the same road of extreme conflict between parties.


about 14 years ago

They all just left a bad taste in my mouth, sorry.  I do like Ron Paul though.


about 14 years ago

just came from there. the teabaggers did not appreciate me yelling out liar & booing & hissing. one lady grabbed my arm and told me to be quiet. i told her not to touch me again. i also got reprimanded for interrupting the opening prayer.


about 14 years ago

What about the Surprise Party, Hotrod?


about 14 years ago

America isn't ready for the Surprise Party Adam.....


about 14 years ago

Awesome job C-Freak!! I couldn't make it, but I sure am glad someone represented by booing, hissing, and interrupting someones prayer. That is exactly how we roll and gain respect!


about 14 years ago

Yelling out "liar", booing, hissing and interrupting prayer? Just as intelligent and productive as the teabaggers. How ironic.


about 14 years ago

I tried to join the surprise party, but everyone was hiding behind the furniture and they kept shushing me so I left.


about 14 years ago

I like the Surprise Party, but they've been working too much in coalition with the Birthday Party. I think the last thing that anybody would want is a Surprise/Birthday Party.


about 14 years ago

i actually didn't interupt the prayer on purpose. i was just walking in and was bombarded by people trying to give me stickers, lit and sign up on an email list. when i said no twice i was admonished by another teabagger. i didn't even know there was a prayer going on.

as for yelling liar, i stand by it 100 percent.

Bob Loblaw

about 14 years ago

Dave says, "It is pointless to attempt to have a rational debate with with people who can't tell that Fux News is not fair and balanced.'

Add NPR and every other news  service in there, as well, and I'd agree with you.

Bob Loblaw

about 14 years ago

I also agree that is pointless to attempt to rationally debate people.  Yet I do it anyway.


about 14 years ago

What about the Party Party, Hotrod?

Rubber Chicken

about 14 years ago

I joined the Tupperware Party but had to leave.  Everyone was so plastic.

Tony Ramone

about 14 years ago

I have a hard time believing that anyone who equates NPR to Faux News (a ridiculous Bill O'Reilly talking point) is capable of having a rational debate.


about 14 years ago

There's no question that every news organization gives the report some sort of slant. However, there is a matter of degree, and Fox absolutely crosses the line so far, so flagrantly and so often that anyone who cannot distinguish the difference between Fox and other news organizations for themselves should probably not be considered a rational adult.


about 14 years ago

C-Freak is my hero.

Bob Loblaw

about 14 years ago

I repeat,it is pointless to attempt to rationally debate you people.

The Big E

about 14 years ago

Just pick a bridge and get back under it already.


about 14 years ago

C-Freak ...Are you planning on going to the Special Olympics and heckling the contestants? That would elevate your rockstar status a few notches.


about 14 years ago

Did you just compare the Republicans to Special Olympic participants?


about 14 years ago

Ch. 6 "The Northland News Center" had a lot of crowd shots of the Bachmann event. It was interesting. C-Freak, I looked for you, and let me say, among that group, I would think you stuck out like a sore thumb ( and I mean that as a compliment). A few observations:

1. Even for Duluth, this looked like one not-diverse crowd. I saw much more diversity at Google Fest. 
2. Considering Rep. B's celebrity (or maybe I should write notoriety), the crowd seemed pretty sparse.
3. Everyone was SCOWLING as the camera panned the room as Rep. B was speaking.

Dave Sorensen

about 14 years ago

There's always the Toga Party, but I don't like the draft.


about 14 years ago

Did any one read the story in the DNT?  Where did MB get that idea about 51% of businesses owned by the govt and 20% of govt employees making over 100K?
Are those real facts?
What was she talking about?
I wish the DNT would write real articles with real investigation.


about 14 years ago

Michelle Bachmann couldn't debate her way out of a wet paper bag.


about 14 years ago

@ Carla, don't fault the reporter, he was just reporting what she was saying. Michelle Bachmann is *notorious* for pulling her facts out of her ass and making stuff up.

By the way, the pic of Bachmann's audience in today's DNT reminded me of those iconic 1950s or 60s-era pics of audiences watching "Night of the Living Dead" or some such zombie flick, the people in the DNT pic had the same blank looks on their faces.

Dave Sorensen

about 14 years ago

"Facts are stupid things."
- Ronald Reagan, misquoting John Adams.


about 14 years ago

I agree with Carla. If the DNT is going to quote a politician spouting statistics, they have an obligation to check out whether those numbers are accurate and let readers know.


about 14 years ago

Agreed, for the DNT to report 'facts' stated by a speaker without commenting as to the accuracy qualifies as reporting... but hardly as journalism.  Then again, they really went through a period last year where all the head lines seem to have been written by a 12 year old, so I guess we should expect what we are receiving.


about 14 years ago

Bachman made the same comment about the federal government "taking ownership or control" of 51% of the American economy on CBS's Face the Nation over the weekend.  CBS actually did a little fact checking.  To read their report go to:

The upshot is that some business professor at Arizona State has estimated that the government "owns or controls" businesses that generate about 1/3 of U.S. economic output.  (Bachman's people were unable to provide any definition for how this guy defines "control."  Under the teabagger definition, of course, anything that is subject to even minimal government regulation is, of course, "controlled.")  Bachman added to that 33% the 18% of the economy that is health care (which the federal government now "controls" according to the tea baggers) to arrive at her 51% figure.

So yes, she pulled it out of her ass.

By the way, the standard measure of government involvement in the economy is government spending as a percentage of gross domestic procduct.  By that measure, the government was responsible for 20.9% of economic activity in 2009.  The historical peak was during WW II when government spending was nearly half of gross domestic product.  Lord knows how we defeated the Nazis with all that inefficient government spending going on.  Should have just contracted out the war to Haliburton and it would have been over in half the time.


about 14 years ago

Godwin's law!

Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

I think there should be a new PDD policy that as soon as Godwin's Law rears its ugly head, comments are closed.


about 14 years ago

I don't think Joel's reference actually rises to the Godwin's Law standard. He didn't call anyone a Nazi and he didn't compare anyone to a Nazi. Rather, he merely made a point about our government spent a lot of money in order to defeat the actual Nazis. That being said, I think the policy would work best if the comments were closed within one day or five additional posts subsequent to Godwin's Law coming into play.


about 14 years ago

FUck I missed it! would have been great to go and heckle! P.s. I want someone OTHER than oberstar......


about 14 years ago

Hey Tony, you listened to NPR lately? It is absolute shit reporting.  oh the government has a new plan that will cost XXXXXXXX.XX amount of dollars, lets have the leading government spokesperson come and debrief the masses about it.  I do not support bachmann, but I think it is funny that everyone uses ad hominem attacks instead of debating the facts.  Oh yeah I am REALLY REALLY excited about this government run bullshit.

Tony Ramone

about 14 years ago

Calling someone who equates Faux News to NPR irrational is probably an ad hominem attack, but it is also probably true. I think people who watch Faux News are weak minded people who love authority. 

I listen to NPR almost everyday, and I believe their reporting is pretty good. And it is certainly "fair and balanced." By the way, Carl, NPR is NOT government run and they are certainly not in the propaganda business like Faux. David Frum (a sane Republican -- few of them left these days) recently said that "Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we are discovering we work for Fox." You will never see anything like said about NPR.


about 14 years ago

I think there should be a new PDD policy that as soon as Godwin's Law rears its ugly head, comments are closed.
all that would accomplish is people intentionally dropping a Godwin to get comments closed. Actually, I think an enforced comment moderation is better than unilaterally closing threads. Have concrete, written, established rules about basic civility towards those commenting in-thread, no inflammatory derails, no attacks based on racial/ethnic/sexual/disability grounds, and similar. If/when things cross those lines the individual comments get yanked, but the thread stays open.


about 14 years ago

LOL tony I know this man! I am just saying I think being "neutral" and supporting or sustaining only government representatives views on a nationally syndicated program proves that they have compromised, it's just like the anonymous government sources that WAPO/NYT/TIMES/ETC report daily and lack any journalistic integrity other than supporting the status quo.  In no way am I supporting or promoting the propaganda Fox news puts out, but ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, also promote the same talking points and reinforce infighting instead of debating solutions.  The ad hominem attack was referring to people attacking bachmann because she is "crazy", or whatever, all I am saying is if you attack her, attack her on principles and what she votes on/legislates for, That is all.  More or less I bet we agree on most issues.


about 14 years ago

Ok, so most tv news is pretty worthless, granted.  But to compare any other major outfit in this country with Fox News IS irrational.  The difference is Fox's partisan dictated agenda is imposed by political leadership companywide to try to meld facts into their predetermined narrative. Frank Luntz's words go from focus groups to EVERY show on the channel.  Facts that aren't conducive to the predetermined partisan narrative are ignored or scoffed at.

Oh and regardless of who may be president at the time, Fox lies and shills for the real power in this country, despite the Orwellian rhetoric about 'liberal elites' and standing up for 'the Real America.'


about 14 years ago

Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, and Tim Pawlenty are all appearing together in the Cities at the Convention Center in Minneapolis on April 7, if anyone's interested. . . I'm surprised, actually that someone who always struck me as trying to stay above the fray and come off as moderate is throwing his hat in with such extremists as Palin and Bachmann,


about 14 years ago

I've never particularly cared for Pawlenty, but he started out as Gov in a fairly middle of the road spot, not quite as much as Arne Carlson (who I actually respect), but I could at least listen to T-Paw's arguments before disagreeing with many of them. The last few years Pawlenty has steadily been moving more and more Right as he tries to set himself up for national politics. From all accounts he was very nearly McCain's running mate. Now he's either angling for making a serious run for the nomination in '12 or '16 (my bet is '12), which is why he isn't running for Gov again.


about 14 years ago

Thanks Joel - that was helpful


about 14 years ago

Thank you Tim K.  Godwin's Law isn't about mentioning Nazis.  It is about comparing people to Nazis.  Speaking as a historian, we'd all be in big trouble if none of us were allowed to mention Nazis in blogs.


about 14 years ago

I agree the post did not technically violate Godwin's law.  
The law is more of a humorous observation, rather than an actual law. My comment was intended to be lighthearted humor.


about 14 years ago

The text of Godwin's law states that the likelihood of "a comparison to Nazis" approaches one.  It does not specifically state that someone needs to be called a Nazi.  The post in question does indeed satisfy the letter of the law.  

I don't visit PDD for political rants or European  history unless it specifically relates to Duluth.  I second Barrett's motion and move that this topic be brought to the floor for further debate.

Bob Loblaw

about 14 years ago

Mmmmm...sacred cows...

Apparently NPR is one, a fat holstein producing gallons of buttery milk to be lapped up by hapless kittens.

Do you see the rainbow, kitten?  Over there, by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting?  And the other end emminates from the arse of the National Endowment for the Arts!

Its a beautiful day, kitten.  What do you say we listen to some "programming" on n(PR)?

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