Trouble in Thunder Bay

People may complain about crime in Duluth, but it appears our sister city to the north is having a really, really bad year.

According to Thunder Bay’s daily newspaper, the Chronicle Journal, the city just recorded its sixth homicide of the year. And we’re only in August. That may give Thunder Bay the highest per-capita murder rate in Canada.

I love visiting up there, but… yikes.


Danny G

about 15 years ago

But I thought Canada had no crime.

That's the last time I listen to Michael Moore.


about 15 years ago

Their welfare system must be attracting out-of-province urban dwellers as well.

Danny G

about 15 years ago

Bah ha ha ha!

You win, @ndy.

Tim K

about 15 years ago

The majority of murders are between people who know each other. There really aren't that many stranger murders. Yes, there are exceptions- particularly with innocent bystanders in gang territories, and most recently the lonely wackjob who shot up the gym. But in terms of hard core statistics, you are far more likely to be murdered by someone you know. SO- who are the assholes with a bad temper and access to sharp things, blunt things, poison things and gun things that YOU know. That's who you need to worry about...

Danny G

about 15 years ago

Um...thanks for that Tim.

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

I have guns and I would hope that nobody thinks of me as a killer, but according to Minnesota Law and every fiber in my being I have the right to defend my home as well as myself. An example would be if somebody was in my home threatening myself as well as my family and making me feel unsafe. If I hade a bead (so to speak) on this person I would not hesitate to pull the trigger until the gun went click. Now I would not shoot this person in the back if they were running nor would I fire warning shots over their head but trust me growing up on a farm if I had a shot I would get it - repeatedly. 

Remember guns do not kill people - people kill people!!! 

No offence Sound Wizard.


Todd Gremmels

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

Just so people have not forgotton the right to bear arms is still in The Constitution and unless you have a felony you can own them.

Todd Gremmels

Tim K

about 15 years ago

I'm not saying anything about gun control, Todd. I'm just saying that the scenario you describe is extremely rare. It's far more likely that the person shootin' or stabbin' is somebody you know. If you feel that you need to protect yourself, who am I to say differently? Hopefully you don't ever have to defend yourself.


about 15 years ago

Note to self:  Do not threaten Gremmels in his home anymore.


about 15 years ago

I have a elderly buddy that's an ex-cop.  He notes that there is pretty much never a "front" or "back" shot.  Most firefights don't occur like they do on NCIS.  They tend to be train wrecks.  I'm glad I've never been in one.

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

Thank you for the call back Tim I have always admired your intuition in music and life.

You too Wildgoose!!!

Hey huitz thanks for the update and believe me I do not want to be in one.


Todd Gremmels


about 15 years ago

Hey Todd, don't get me wrong.  I believe people should be allowed to have firearms (including small and/or concealed).  Who knows what the future holds, though.  More people get killed in car accidents, for cripes sakes.  I say we outlaw cars.  Wait a second, I do think someday we will :>

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

I bet in the next twenty years they will have a version of The Minority Report (sort of plug and go on the freeway) so you can just set your destination on the road and lock and load to your destination.

I also believe like you do huitz that a person has the right to defend themselves.

Todd Gremmels


about 15 years ago

So Tim, do you possess "a bad temper and access to sharp things, blunt things, poison things and gun things"?

Tim K

about 15 years ago

I've got access to some stuff...  my temper is seasonal.

Tim K

about 15 years ago

Wait a minute! Are you calling ME an asshole?


about 15 years ago

I'm not sure how six murders so far for the year, compares to Duluth. Danny: I know Canadian big cities have far fewer murders than American big cities with comparable populations.


about 15 years ago

Also is nine in total since 2003 bad, overall?

Danny G

about 15 years ago

Jason, I know.  We have more murders in the USA than Canada.  Thank you.

Not sure what the number is at right now, but a couple of weeks ago right after our second murder of the year the per capita murder rate was higher in Duluth than Minneapolis for the year so far.  How 'bout them apples, huh?

Feldwebel Wolfenstool

about 15 years ago

The murder rate in the U.S. of A., per capita, is triple that of Qannadda's.  Fraud is 1/2 compared to N. of the 48th, slack laws here, thanks for throwing Conrad Black in jail for us!
Property crimes lower in the U.S., too.  Someone in gov't here stole $44 million dollars, referred to as ADSCAM.  Cops not interested in busting the crooks that sign their paycheques.  Are the police down there as addicted to paycheques as folks are to dope?

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