Friday Benefit Featuring Teague Alexy

Teague Alexy, Flam Sharam & The Rez
Spearhead Benefit for Maki Family

Friday, July 31 @ Bohemia Arts
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

DULUTH, Minn. (July 31, 2009) – Renowned local musician Teague Alexy will perform at a benefit for Nicole (Cole) Maki and her family.

Cole recently suffered the sudden and unexpected loss of her step-father. Funds raised will off-set the costs involved for funeral expenses.

Flam Sharam, a legendary Twin Ports jam band, will perform its first show in four years. This benefit will also feature music by former members of The Rez.

In addition to band performances, there will be a fire dancing performance by The Spin Collective and live drumming. If you do or do not own a drum, participation is welcomed. Numerous local businesses are also participating in a silent auction to benefit the Maki family.

WHO: Benefit for Nicole (Cole) Maki & her family.

WHAT: Concerts & Silent Auction

WHEN: Friday, July 31, 2009

WHY: To raise money to off-set memorial and other costs

To donate an auction item or for more information please contact Eric Bong at [email protected].

1 Comment


about 16 years ago

I donated to this fundraiser two tickets to Bayfront Blues Festival, and I'm hoping they push some serious bidding tonight!

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