Diets Suck: There’s a Better Way to Reach Your Perfect Weight

diets-suck-jpeg2There’s a better way to reach your ideal weight.

The key to weight loss isn’t found in a starvation diet or torturing yourself on a treadmill. Believe it or not, you already have it – it’s in your mind. You just need to learn how to use it.

Join us for a six-week course to learn how to balance mind and body to achieve weight loss.

MIND – Kim Luedtke, PhD, will teach you how to upgrade your brain’s food/weight blueprint to break free from the patterns that prevent you from losing weight.

BODY – Katrina Hendrickson, Yoga Instructor, will help you to stretch out and relax. This is gentle stretching for any body. Dress in comfortable clothing.

Thursdays, from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m., April 9 – May 14

101 W. 2nd St, #301 – Duluth (Carnegie Building)

Tuition for 6 week class – $240 (credit cards accepted)

To register: 218-279-5026 or [email protected]





about 15 years ago

not sure how I feel about the incremental advancing of whole post advertising for things like this. I understand the counterexample is to point to all the band ads that go up, but to me they feel a bit different, more like community notices of cool stuff going on. This just reads like ad copy, cut and pasted from a different source.


about 15 years ago

gentle stretching for any body and wallet


about 15 years ago

Edgeways, I know how I feel about it, but like you, not sure where or how to draw the line.


about 15 years ago

PDD is full of promotional stuff - Just my two cents...
My next post will be an attempt to solicit money to register for the class;)


about 15 years ago

Edgeways:  Is your point more about the content being promotional or about the way that it is presented?  Or is it about who made the post and their motives?


about 15 years ago

JP, I think it is in part a combination of all three. 

1. It is promotional yeah, but there are a lot of promotional things on the site (and I've promoted things as well) so that is not it exclusively...
2. The presentation really reads like a straight out ad-copy
3. But finally, and the biggest thing for me at least, when looking at the posting history of joyfulant this is the only thing she(?) has posted, so to me it looks like someone signed up with Wordpress in order to specifically hawk this kind of pricey class, rather than, say being a member of the pdd community who then says, "Oh BTW you might be interested in this" (which I kind of slotted the recent house listing as and had zero problem with)

The recent post by securityjewelers came close to this as well, but given that the post was essentially about raising money for a charity I didn't have the heart to say anything against it. 

Does that make sense? In summation, I don't have any great concerns about involved pdd members throwing in promos for cool things they are involved in, or special things for sale, but I find it a bit annoying when someone not involved in the site at all uses it to do the same. I guess I am a bit oversensitive to branding and advertising.


about 15 years ago

First ... sorry to participate in the hijacking of a post ... I wish joyfulant very well with his/her class.  I bet it will be great for some people who end up going.

But I was curious about what Edgeways had to say because something seemed a little off about this for me, too, but I couldn't attribute it to anything (aside from maybe my own snootiness).  I see your points.  Kind of like when your brother asks you to go to a party that you're not sure if you're interested but you go anyway because its your brother, but when someone else who you barely know asks you it seems a little out of line?  So if that is true then maybe PDD is a little like a family?  Extended family?  Cyber family?

But again ... sorry to participate in the hijacking of a post ... good luck joyfulant.


about 15 years ago

My brain's food/weight blueprint tells me that these kinds of posts suck. It seems to me that they have been showing up more frequently of late. I think edgeways explained it best above.


about 15 years ago

I agree this particular post seemed strange at PPD.  The band and art events postings fit and are part of the whole PPD image and, I submit, purpose.  The house for sale was a tribute to PPD; where else would someone who loves their home and community post such a thing?  But, this is a sales pitch.  If the poster is not a regular participant, it does seem that the site was used to make sales contacts, and that is not in keeping with the spirit of this site.


about 15 years ago

Diets Suck is my posting.
I thought CURRENT EVENTS meant, well, events that are current. 
I am just a small, local business person trying to make a living in a challenging EEK-onomy. 
I noticed other people inviting people to their events for which they are paid money, so I thought it would be okay for me to do likewise. I have listed events on the calendar in the past and no one objected. (Middle-Age Womens Sock Hop and other classes about how to use your mind to in some way improve your life)
I apologize if I've upset anyone in any way. That was certainly not my intention. 
If someone would please just teach me the secret handshake, I will try to be better behaved next time.


about 15 years ago

Heya Joy, glad you stopped by. If you read what I wrote above perhaps you'll see where I was going with this. It was not so much that you are promoting something, lots of people do so here, but that your sole post to the blog was a promotion/ad. Now, granted this isn't the absolute closest knit group on the internet, and also granted none of the official owners of the blog have weighed in but, not to put too fine a point on it, who are you? Do you have anything to say/contribute other than advertising? There is no secret handshake, but we'd love to know you and your thoughts and ideas beyond what wares you are hawking. I suspect you'd be a great addition to conversations, but (and I can only speak for myself) please don't just use us as free advertising. 

Good luck on your class. I think the moderators would be happy to set up an ad for you on the right hand column (prob for a fee though) if you ask.

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