Fundraiser/Meet and Greet

Jamie Ness and Father Hennepin will be performing in support of the RNC8 this coming Saturday, February 7 at Carmody Irish Pub. The shindig kicks off at 9PM and is $5. A few of the RNC 8 will be on hand to chat with.

More info below.


Defend the RNC 8!

The RNC 8 are organizers against the 2008 Twin Cities Republican National Convention who have been falsely charged with terrorism in response to their political organizing. Luce Guillen-Givins, Max Specktor, Nathanael Secor, Eryn Trimmer, Monica Bicking, Erik Oseland, Robert Czernik and Garrett Fitzgerald were all members of or associated with the Welcoming Committee, an anarchist collective that helped arrange food, housing and communications for the thousands of people who converged on St Paul in September to protest the RNC. None of the 8 committed any act of violence, and most were arrested during FBI raids of activist centers and homes before the protests even began. Now they are facing multiple felony conspiracy charges, including two counts of “furthering terrorism” under Minnesota’s version of the Patriot Act.

The reach of this case falls far beyond the eight defendants. It should be followed by every union member, every environmentalist, every community organizer, and every Minnesotan who cares about civil liberties. By charging the RNC 8 for what they may have been thinking, and by invoking a law which redefines terrorism to include even civil disobedience, Ramsey County prosecutors have not only attacked these 8 organizers, but the right to organize itself. Please come out and show your support for the RNC 8… because you could be next.



about 15 years ago

Is it on Friday or Saturday??

The Transistor said Saturday as did the RNC8 website.

Thanks Scott!


about 15 years ago

Doh, My bad. Yes it is Saturday. Maybe I should learn how to read a calendar.


about 15 years ago

peaceful protesters protesting a peaceful gathering of a political parties rally; brilliant. Hang them high...


about 15 years ago

Related to this event--Nathaniel Secor will be speaking at UMD today at noon. Probably too short notice for folks to connect up to this event.

Dr. Dan Martin, a sociology prof at UMD, is doing extensive research on the policing of dissent that took place during the RNC. He'll likely be doing more on this topic in the near future. I'll try and get things posted to PDD sooner next time.

public presentation: 
/*The Criminalization of Dissent and the Case of the RNC 8*/, with 
/*Nathanael Secor,  on Wednesday, February 4th at  12 noon in the 4th Floor Library Rotunda at  UMD*/. Nathanael Secor is a Northland College graduate, Minneapolis preschool teacher, a cook for Food Not Bombs... and an alleged terrorist according to police who arrested him during the Republican National Convention demonstrations in September 2008.  

This event is Sponsored by the UMD Sociology/Criminology Club, UMD Sociology & Anthropology Department, and the State Suppression of Dissent Project.

For more information contact Dan Martin at (email) [email protected] or 


about 15 years ago

Glad this is on Saturday, Friday is BOOKED with the Grant School Wolf Ridge Fundraiser and then the Pelkey Family Fundraiser. . .

friends of the rnc8

about 15 years ago

thanks for helping promote this!  here's the whole list of duluth events...

eco eco

about 15 years ago

Bravo to the folks doing this. Couple related talks in Minneapolis next Thursday:

Will Potter on "The Green Scare: Using Terrorism Laws to Silence Political Activists"

Thursday, February 12, 7pm, Cowles Auditorium, Humphrey Institute,301 19th Avenue South, on the West Bank of the University of Minnesota's Minneapolis campus

    You won't want to miss hearing about The Green Scare from Will Potter, an award-winning independent journalist based in Washington, D.C., who has become a leading authority on the erosion of civil liberties post 9/11 and the use of terrorism laws to silence political activists. Think red-baiting, with a green twist. Potter's blog features his original reporting and analysis of the Green Scare and history repeating itself.

    The Animal Rights Coalition is thrilled to be able to bring Will Potter to the Twin Cities to talk about these critical issues and shed light on a story that has been rated as one of the top twenty censored stories by Project Censored since 2006.

"The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act: Examining the Chilling Effect of Eco-Terrorism Legislation"
William Mitchell College of Law
Room 125
(William Mitchell is only one building so there is only one room 125. Also, parking is sometimes an issue that time of day, so plan ahead. And if you're not a student, you must enter via the main entrance off of Summit Ave)

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