women Posts

Women’s Words on KUMD

I love this new(ish) show on KUMD. Check out recordings from past shows here [Jill Hinners, Deborah Cooper, Cheryl Reitan, Sheila Packa, Gail Trowbridge, Meredith Cornett (total self-promotion, please forgive me), and many others!]. “Women’s Words” airs at ~1:30 and 3:30 p.m. on Sundays as part of the Women’s Music Show. If you are a (woman) writer willing to do a short reading from your work, they want to hear from you!

Hurricane Season: the hidden messages in water

Climbing PoeTree is coming to Duluth MN y’all!

Saturday, Feb. 26, 4pm UMD Ballroom

Treasures of the Earth Green Art Fair – March 27

Early notice about a neat marketplace that will be setup with over 25 local artists selling their creations made out of natural materials or recycled materials. Also, Peace Puppets will share enviro tips and tunes.

The event will be held at the Unitarian Church, 835 W. College St. on the last Saturday of March, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The fair is coordinated by wendyupnorth.com. Check the website for other fairs including Dulcimer Day in Duluth folk music festival May 1 – the Spirit of Music, and Woman-Made: Marvelous Things made by Northland Women – July 24 at the College of St. Scholastica.

Woman-Made is now open to local female artists. Please inquire. The jewelry and pottery categories are filled.