suggestions Posts

Information Overload – Need a virtual tutor

Spent a few minutes with Google looking for a decent app or website we can direct our kids to for working on the skills and concepts being introduced in the classroom. We are open to a subscription service, but don’t want to commit without some endorsement or referral from a trusted PDDer. Sure, there is plenty out there for free, but weeding through advertisements and such makes it complicated and cumbersome at times – we’d also like to track progress. Any of you using anything you can recommend? Specifically looking for math, spelling and phonics for the K-5 audience.

Road trip suggestions

Everyone on PDD seems to give great suggestions/ideas, so what are the best “little” towns to visit in either Minnesota or Wisconsin? A few friends and I are planning a road trip, but are completely okay with not hitting up the Twin Cities and Madison/Milwaukee. Love big cities, but we’ve been to them so much that we’d prefer something different. Any cool roadside attractions?