Storms Posts

Selective Focus: Presidents’ Day Blizzard of 2022

Somewhere in the range of 17 inches of snow fell on Duluth from Feb. 22 to 23, blowing into tall, fluffy snow dunes. Collected here are a few images from around the region, via Instagram.

List of Duluth Winters and what they are Remembered For

Although Duluth is known for — and by some feared — for its winters, they tend to run together in our memories. Everyone who experienced it recalls the Mega Storm of 1991 and there was a long cold snap a few years ago, but by and large the various storms and other winter climate events are forgotten or the memories get mashed together.

So, in an effort to sort them out I tossed together a brief and somewhat vague list of some winter moments that have been marked on Perfect Duluth Day in the past (with links) or have been loosely referenced on the web as having been more wintery than other winters. (As the comments have come in I’ve added a few more links from Zenith City Online and notes regarding conditions of some years.)

Video: Freshwater Fury from Oct. 10, 2018

Sparky Stensaas captured this footage last week at Crystal Bay in Tettegouche State Park.

Damage Report

The lake ate big chunks of shoreline yesterday. The fort on Park Point survived the storm, just barely, but the huge white pine that stood next to it didn’t make it.

Duluth’s Frozen Wiener Storm of 2017

Photo by Shawn Thompson

The city of Duluth is advising the public that locations in Canal Park may not be accessible due to windy conditions and high waves causing water to flood some areas. The Marine Iron Parking lot located closest to the canal, some segments of Canal Park Drive and Harbor Drive have standing water. The city has put up barricades where the areas are not passable.

Photos of the Great Whiteout of 2007

1 storm

WildWest snowhouse

2007whiteout2 2007whiteout3

Above are photos from the PDD archives of the blizzard conditions in Duluth over March 1 and 2, 2007.

Images of the amazing June 2016 storm cloud over Duluth

Jesse Wannemacher Cary Schmies Devin Carpenter

Images by three different photographers: Jesse Wannemacher, Cary Schmies and Devin Carpenter. (Click on any thumbnail to see the full image.)

Leap Day 2012 Snowmageddon Photos

At left is Rich Narum’s shot of Superior Street; at right the view from Anna Montgomery’s side door. Has anyone had the guts to wreck a camera and try shooting outside instead of through glass? Not me!

Anyway, add your best attempts in the comments.

Twelve Moons on Gichigami – Canal Park Film

Not sure if this has ever been posted here before, but figured I’d share it just in case.