Nudity Posts

Indecent Exposure

Walking from the car to the beach, it suddenly occurred to me that in the hustle to leave the house I neglected to take off my underwear. It’s not even clear to me why I was wearing boxer shorts under swimming trunks to begin with, but it didn’t matter until I was on the verge of jumping into Lake Superior.

The whole idea of a swimsuit itself is pretty asinine, really. It’s a small layer of clothing people wear while submerged in water, so no one can look at their delicate body parts as they enter and exit the lake. Once out of the water, the swimsuit dries faster than a pair of jeans, but still … to prevent people from seeing my Lake Superior-shriveled wiener I’m supposed to walk around for a half hour in wet shorts. Wetter yet if I’m a dimwit wearing boxer shorts under his trunks.

Still, I understand why society frowns on exposed penises. They are unsightly. But I can go to the beach with a giant oozing scab on my face and not be arrested, so let’s say there’s room for argument here.

Clearly, it’s not because genitals are ugly that society frowns on their public display. It’s because clothing is a perceived barrier to sexual thoughts.

Duluth woman asserts right to go topless on Park Point

An incident on Park Point about two weeks ago has raised the question of whether it’s legal for women to be topless on Park Point beaches. Fox 21 reported over the weekend that Duluth photographer Michelle Bennett was “approached by a Duluth officer who didn’t know if he could arrest her” for exposing her breasts in public.

Bob Monahan Naked

Well, it was a thing for a day, but now the privates are private. Apparently this video was a limited-time Father’s Day offering.

Someone explain this

Zits comic – Nov. 6, 2009

Love isn’t posting your wife’s/girlfirend’s naked butt and sex organs on YouTube after she’s had a mishap? I think I’ve been doing it wrong all these years.