Mining Posts

Postcards from Sellers Mine, north of Hibbing

The Burt-Poole and Sellers mines were the first to ship iron ore out of Minnesota’s Iron Range in the summer of 1895. In its first five years the Sellers Ore Company shipped 188,000 tons. By 1919 the figure had shot up to 8.9 million tons, according to the 1921 book Duluth and St. Louis County, Minnesota; Their Story and People by Walter Van Brunt.

Postcard from the Spruce Mine at Eveleth

The undated postcard shown here is a scene from the Spruce Mine in Eveleth, about 50 miles north of Duluth. The card was published by David Milavetz News Company of Virginia, Minn. and produced by E. C. Kropp Co. of Milwaukee, Wis.

Gold Mine Camp on the Vermilion River in Buyck

Buyck is about 100 miles north of Duluth. Presumably this 1940s-era photo depicts cabins at what is the modern-day fishing and hunting camp that bears the name Gold Mine Camp.

Postcard from Mesabi Open Pit Iron Mine in Virginia

This undated postcard shows scenes from the Mesabi Iron Range, the largest of four iron ranges in northeast Minnesota. The card uses a spelling more often associated with a roadway in Duluth — Mesaba Avenue.

Steve’s Overpopulated One-Man Band – “Iron Ore”

Steve Solkela shares the musical story of his great-great grandfather’s journey from Finland to Minnesota in search of a better life. “It was backbreaking work down in those Minnesotan mines,” Sorkela writes on the YouTube description. “Many were injured, and many died; but of course, many were successful in feeding their families countless times and watching them grow to live beautiful lives.”

The video was shot over the summer at various locations across northern Minnesota, and edited using a free iPhone app.

The Slice: Hull Rust Mine View

The newly redesigned mine view in Hibbing offers expansive perspectives of the old Hull–Rust–Mahoning Open Pit Iron Mine and the active Hull Rust and Hibbing Taconite Open Pit Mine.

Trump administration smoothing the way for mining ambitions

Scuba Diving at West Pit in Gilbert

YouTube user “MNduro USA” took his scuba gear to Gilbert, about 60 miles north of Duluth, to explore the flooded mine pit known as Lake Ore-be-gone.

“7 Generations” Kickstarter launched to support documentary about proposed sulfide-ore copper mines

Outdoor filmmakers Tom Deschenes and Andrew Bydlon have launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund completion of their documentary entitled 7 Generations. The movie aims to bring awareness to two proposed sulfide-ore copper mines that opponents say would threaten Lake Superior and the Boundary Waters Canoe Area.

Ore Classification Yards in Proctor

This undated photo, attributed to photographer John Vachon, comes with the following caption:

View of the ore classification yards of the Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railroad. Here cars are made up in train loads according to quality specification and hauled by powerful mallet engines down the six-mile grade to the Duluth ore dock.

Sulfide Mining Debate + The Holidays = Watch This

Surely sulfide mining is close to the top of the things Minnesotans can disagree about with family and friends as we enter the holidaze. This two-minute video depicts one way the outcome of the PolyMet question could play out. Great for captive audiences who are too stuffed to resist. Enjoy!

The big, fat EIS

NorthMet Mining Project and Land Exchange Final EIS 2015The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Forest Service have released the final environmental analysis of Minnesota’s first proposed copper-nickel mine. It’s 3,576 pages long. Click here for an overview on the DNR website and to find links to download the full 263 MB of wholesome review process. A 30-day public review period begins Nov. 13 and ends Dec. 14. Update: Deadline for submitting comments has been extended to Dec. 21.

PolyMet proposes to develop an open-pit mine and processing facilities for the extraction of copper, nickel and platinum elements, with an estimated 20-year lifespan for mine operations. The proposed mine would be located in the St. Louis River watershed on the eastern edge of the Mesabi Iron Range, about 6 miles south of Babbitt and about 1 mile south of the existing iron-ore Northshore Mine. Processing of the ore would take place at a former industrial site, the LTV steel plant in Hoyt Lakes.

The Economics of Sulfide Mining: Benefits and Costs

This address was given by Dr. Tom Power, Professor Emeritus at the University of Montana about a week ago in Duluth.

Copper and Nickel Mining in Minnesota

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

Here’s a video from a UMD Center for Ethics and Public Policy discussion about mining in our region.

Congrats to Shane Courtland, the director, for creating a space for this important dialogue.