Memory Card Dumps Posts

Kip’s Memory Card Dump #14

Duluth photographer Kip Praslowicz‘s latest memory-card dump video covers April 2017 to April 2018, minus the Homegrown Music Festival.

Three of Kip’s Dumps

Above is Kip Praslowicz‘s latest memory-card dump video, a retrospective of his life in Duluth (largely spent at local music clubs) during the wet hot summer — July 1 to Aug. 9.

Kip’s dumps have been happening more frequently than we can keep up with at PDD. Below are his two previous dumps, spanning June 3 to July 1 and March 16 to June 3 (minus the Homegrown Music Festival, which was on a separate memory card.

The Story of Duluth Homegrown 2016

Kip Praslowicz‘s latest memory-card dump video is a retrospective of the eight-day Homegrown Music Festival.

Music by the Electric Witch

Kip’s Memory Card Dump #6

Duluth photo-raconteur Kip Praslowicz has published another memory-card dump video, this one covering December 2015 to March 2016, including the Duluth Art Institute’s Annual Membership Show, the Bernie Sanders rally and on and on.

42 Days in Duluth: Kip’s Memory Card Dump

Photographer Kip Praslowicz “went a little crazy with the burst mode” and filled his memory card in under two months. This video shows all the photos, from Feb. 26 to April 8, set to random free music available on YouTube.