Lester Park Posts

Postcards from Duluth’s Lester Park

Big Falls at Lester Park Brook Trout Fishing - Lester River

Lakeside newsletter #2 is out

The Oct/Nov issue is available at Lakeside businesses and can be read on-line at www.LookAtLakeside.com. Learn about Brighton Beach Tourist Camp, Meet a Neighbor, and learn about events happening in Lakeside.

New newsletter for Lakeside and Lester Park neighborhoods

The first issue of the Look at Lakeside newsletter is out. It will come out every two months (on the even-numbered months). If you have article topics, Lakeside photos, news, even history, or even want to share why you live in or what you like about Lakeside-Lester Park, send me an email. The issues are being distributed at Lakeside-Lester Park businesses and online. You can subscribe (free) to get a notice when the next issue is out online.

History detectives: Who was Lester?

UMD journalism student Julie Krienke wrote this great article for LakeVoiceNews.org. Maybe it’s just because I live on Leicester, but I think this article and Mark Atkinson’s search are a perfect candidate for the PBS series, The History Detectives. Maybe if everyone tells them we’d like them to join the search? It worked for TBT on Prairie Home Companion.

Who was Lester?

I’m a student at UMD working on a story about who Lester was. I’m working with Mark Atkinson to trace the history of who this original settler was. Anybody have information on this?

Lost Dog at Lakeside Super One

Dog lost or abandoned at Lakeside Super One

This dog was lost or abandoned at the Lakeside Super One. I was told he jumped out of a pickup truck and the truck took off. Not sure if they knew the dog had jumped out or if it was intentional. It’s a youngish fixed male, perhaps chocolate lab or chocolate lab pit bull mix. Very very friendly and sweet dog. This happened Sunday morning, June 19.