speechie Posts

Hands Across the Bridge Putting “People First”

Today (3/3/11) there is another vigil with activists holding hands from Duluth and Superior across the Bong Bridge (the pathway). The theme would be “people first.”

Wisconsin’s Governor Walker announced his budget and President Obama’s budget just came out, too, so Thursday would be a good day to react to both budgets. We’re keeping the focus on budget cuts and how they affect people across the region. No lectures or anything else. The idea is to have something for media and also to keep citizens engaged.

We’ll be meeting at 5 P.M. and starting to walk toward the center of the bridge to meet fellow activists from the Duluth side.

Bring family and friends and tell everyone you know.

§ Parking is available at Best Western Bay Walk Inn and the Shack at the foot of the Bong Bridge in Superior (not sure about parking on the Duluth side).

Rally to Support Working Families

Where: Northern Lights Elementary to City Hall
When: Wednesday, Feb. 16, 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Meet at Northern Lights at 4 and leave for City Hall at 4:15. We will walk down Hammond Ave.
Who: Union families and concerned citizens of the Twin Ports
Why: Get out the message that Governor Walker’s proposed legislation will hurt all families in our community.
What can you do: Make signs. Get as many of your friends and neighbors to join us in the rally.