Mel Posts

Beer, Wine, and Trampled by Turtles!

Don’t wait to get your tickets for the newest beer and wine fest around town (these things are known to sell out, even without the Trampled show post-party). You can get them online. Hope to see some of you there! (PS – I tried to get a room at Black Bear last week because I have friends coming up from Mpls, and they were sold out. If you’re worried about driving, there’s a free shuttle between Fond-du-Luth & Black Bear all night. Keep it safe!)

Upset Duluth (Continued)

I was reading the DNT this morning and had to chuckle when I was reminded of Lundgren’s September post about upset Duluth resident photos showing up in the DNT on an approximately monthly basis. I am convinced of the conspiracy now. Who at the DNT is trying to spread negativity on the front pages?

Labor Day at Amazing Grace

Come to the Grace on Labor Day evening, order a Peach Italian Soda with Cream, sit your butt down, and indulge in the uke-totin, ghetto-blastin, soul-inspirin, smile-makin music of Connor Garvey. Connor comes all the way from Mainetana just to make your day fantastic. Please bring your awesomeness.

Word has it that Tom Murphy, Mandolin king of Bozeman MT (and the world) will be along.

Connor Garvey. He’s not boring.
7pm, Amazing Grace

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Danny Schmidt at Beaner’s

Red House recording artist Danny Schmidt is playing at Beaner’s tonight, Thursday, Aug. 26. 8pm. $10. Come down, he’s a fantastic musician who is being so kind as to return to Duluth and grace us with his finger-pickin’ and story-tellin’.

The ticks are here

Dear Duluthians,

I went to Jay Cooke for a (muddy) hike yesterday, and returned home to find a little tiny adult male deer tick upon my pant leg.
Let this be your first seasonal warning. Sorry, Paul, but I am still looking forward to your first tick-o-rama, as well.

Winter Washing

I just bought my first car in May. I am quite diligent about washing and waxing, and I like to do it by hand. I like to take care of the few things I have, especially expensive things, so they last a long time. Anyway, I’m in a bit of a conundrum now that winter has set in. I know people usually all rush to the car wash once it gets above freezing, but I also know that it may never get above 35 until mid-April now.

What do you experienced car owners do during the winter to keep your car clean and salt-sand-free? Are there any touchless car washes in town that blow-dry well enough to go to them when it’s 0 degrees out? I have a heated garage, but it’s not terribly warm, and has no drain. I’ve heard of the Optimum No Rinse product, do people recommend that?

As much advice, and local recommendations, as possible would be appreciated!

Connor Garvey House Concert

I am supposedly having a house concert this Sunday, around 8 p.m. It’s a folk guitar-uke singer/songwriter I met in Montana this past July. I say supposedly because he hasn’t gotten back to me recently … but it’s still listed on his tour page. Anyway, I need some more people to fill the house. If you’re interested in coming, please reply here. I’ll probably only accept regular posters, or if I can inspect you on the book of faces first, since it’s my house and I’m allowed to do that. But I’d really love to meet more people. So reply and come! And convince some friends to come, too! I’m shooting for 20 people; I have a small house.

Oh and there is a cover; $10 gets you music, wine and food. All goes to the musician. Hooray for grassroots!


Has anyone ever gotten t-shirts printed in Duluth who can give me some prices? (or own a screenprinting company? hint hint) I’m looking to get some made, and want to find out where I can get good prices, since works out to about $21+ per shirt

Probably ~20 T shirts
Not sure if it will be one sided or two sided yet (they’re team shirts, so maybe put a name on the back)
Colored (Green or Orange), unless white is a LOT cheaper.
Probably only around 2 colors for the design

Thanks ahead of time for any help!

DNT & Mexico Lindo

Headline on today:

Twins owner Pohlad dead at 93
Carl Pohlad, a billionaire banker whose Minnesota Twins won two World Series titles during nearly his nearly quarter-century as owner, died today, a baseball official said. He was 93.

Sweet…I missed this the first time he died back in January while I was on vacation.

In other news, has anyone been to Mexico Lindo and noticed that they got rid of the burrito filled with french fries and veggies, and covered in oaxaca cheese? I believe this was one of the main reasons people went there (although their other food is good, too). What gives? Would McDonalds ax the Big Mac and think people wouldn’t care?

Great Music Saturday at Beaners

John HermansonThis Saturday two of my favorite musicians, Danny Schmidt and John Hermanson (of Storyhill, Alva Star, and The Hopefuls), will be playing in the round with third artist Chris O’Brien at Beaner’s Central.

Go check them out; pack the place!
Cost: $15 (for three FANTASTIC musicians)
Showtime: 8pm

Really Really Free Market?

Has anyone in Duluth ever held a Really Really Free Market? If so, has it worked?

I’ve always found the concept interesting and exciting, and with many people being affected by job loss and economy woes, it might be helpful for a lot of people. Plus I think Duluth has enough of the sort of DYI population to be able to host a fairly successful one. Are there people who would be at all interested in putting one on? I obviously couldn’t do it myself, I don’t know much about organizing big events in Duluth, but if there were people who did I would definitely be into doing it.

For those who don’t know a RRFM is basically what it sounds like – an open air market where everything is free for the taking. People bring usable things that they don’t want/need anymore and would love to get out of their house/apartment, set up a little area on a table or a blanket or just the grass, and then anyone who comes to the market can take whatever they want–no bartering, trading, or money allowed. Other things that people integrate into it are free food (giant potluck!), free groceries, free entertainment (drum circles, musicians, storytellers, dancers), free games, free plants (spider plants anyone?), free services (haircuts, bike repair by a collective, etc), free art made on the spot, etc. It’s basically just a big fun market day.

Info on How to Hold a RRFM
Awesome Photos & Article of a RRFM