maria Posts

Found dog

Found this dog running loose on Sixth Street and 11th Avenue East at about 1pm today. Male, no collar. We caught him, called the cops and he got hauled away to the animal shelter. Sorry, Mr. Husky! I hope someone picks him up soon. Super handsome dog, mouthy and full of energy. We would’ve kept him for the weekend but he was too big a handful.


Hattie took this photo on Park Point during the storm last Sunday night.


Has anyone seen the little bear on Park Point? I first saw it last Saturday by the water pumping station. We surprised each other and ran our separate ways. Then today I was driving back from the Park Point Airport and saw him (?) again, at 41st Street, inspecting a garbage can. I pulled over to take a picture. He sort of hid in the shade on someone’s front stoop (!). The photo looks weird because I had to brighten it way up to make the bear visible.

How did this bear get onto the point? How long has he been there? How old is he? He’s Newfoundland-sized. Will he swim to Wisconsin where the accommodations are less urban? Does the Park Point Community Club have a bear relocation program?

Spring Beauties (warning: food porn)

I went for a walk today in Bagley Nature Area with Nathan and Essa Bessa Dog. We picked fiddlehead ferns and leeks. (Well the dog didn’t help, she is only good for her looks.) Sauteed quickly in butter, served with baguette, cheese, olives, fruit and wine. Oh HELL yeah.

Anyone else eat wild greens? What kinds? How do you cook them? The leeks turned out super sweet and buttery; the fiddleheads were slightly bitter. Perhaps they needed to be cooked a little longer.

March 6: Drekka/Rivulets show

For more info:

Park Point cabin abducted!

I went for a run on the Park Point trail today. Just after the water station I noticed something different about the trail. It was wider and torn up a bit. (My dog, Essa, was also a witness.)

Lorrie Janatopoulos for County Commission

Join in to support Lorrie’s run for St. Louis County Commission.

5-7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 1
Carmody Irish Pub – 308 E Superior Street, Duluth, MN

Lorrie is running for Commission in District 5 (Virginia/Eveleth) but that official makes decisions for Duluth, too. We need new, sensible people on our County Commission, so come to the party, meet and talk with Lorrie, and give what you can.

Lorrie Janatopoulos for County Commissioner