LLM Posts

Welcome Home, Full Circle Superior

On September 18, the Full Circle Superior walkers will finish the last few miles of their trek around Lake Superior. All are welcome to join Mike Link and Kate Crowley as they walk the final mile of their journey by meeting at Leif Erikson Park at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. They’ll walk along the Lakewalk to Canal Park Lodge for an informal reception with refreshments. The reception begins at 2 p.m. and will include an outdoor tobacco ceremony.

Mike and Kate will complete their circle of Lake Superior the same weekend that the Lake Superior Circle Tour celebrates its 50th anniversary. It was on September 17, 1960 that the last leg of the Trans-Canada Highway opened in Wawa, Ontario, making it possible to circle Lake Superior by vehicle. A 50th anniversary celebration is planned in Wawa.

For more information about the event, call 218-722-5002.

Full Circle Superior Fundraiser

In a couple of weeks, veteran naturalists Mike Link & Kate Crowley will embark on an 1800+ mile walk around Lake Superior to promote both freshwater conservation and the benefits of physical activity for good health. Their journey begins on April 29.

In the meantime, you can help them raise funds for their journey by attending the Full Circle Superior fundraiser at the Great Lakes Aquarium on April 16 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Music will be provided by the North Shore acoustic duo the Sivertones, and wine and cheese will be available. Guests may bid on items at the silent auction and purchase Full Circle Superior t-shirts.

Mike and Kate will give a brief presentation about their upcoming journey, and will also have time to chat with those who attend the event.

Sponsors of the event include Bellisio’s, the Great Lakes Aquarium, and Lake Superior Magazine.

There will be no charge for parking in the aquarium lot for the event.

For more information, visit www.fullcirclesuperior.org.

“Things That Go Splash in the Night” — Fred Stonehouse appearance

Lake Superior Magazine hosts author/ghost chaser Fred Stonehouse at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 24, at the magazine’s office at 310 E. Superior St. (directly across from the Sheraton). Fred will share spooky tales from the chilly waters of Lake Superior, perfect for Halloween.

This event is free and open to the public. Families are welcome. Please pre-register as space is limited. To reserve your spot, call 218-722-5002, 888-BIG-LAKE (888-244-5253) or email reader @ lakesuperior.com.

Lake Superior Magazine’s 30th Anniversary Open House

Lake Superior Port Cities Inc., publishers of Lake Superior Magazine, will host an Open House on July 16 to celebrate its 30th anniversary. Refreshments will be served during the Open House from 3 to 7 p.m. in the magazine offices at 310 E. Superior St.

There will be drawings for door prizes and those who attend can enter the “Subscription-a-Day” drawings that will continue through August 30. There will also be a Grand Prize drawing, valued at more than $300, awarded on August 31.

The Commemorative Issue of Lake Superior Magazine, which includes a special fold-out poster of a photo by Jay Steinke, will be available at the event and on newsstands shortly afterward.

Those who can’t attend the Open House, but would like to enter the drawings, may drop in any time before the end of August.

Ninety percent of all magazine startups do not survive their first decade, so Lake Superior Magazine plans more than a month’s worth of celebrating . . . that makes it a good time to drop by the office and share the excitement.

For more information, call 888-BIG-LAKE (888-244-5253) or log on to www.lakesuperior.com.

Lake Superior Circle Tour Presentation

On Saturday, June 13 at 1 p.m., Lake Superior Magazine‘s own Paul Hayden will present an informative program about traveling the Lake Superior Circle Tour.

The presentation is free and open to the public, but please pre-register as space is limited. A second showing will be scheduled at 2:30 p.m. if attendance requires. The presentation will be held at the offices of Lake Superior Magazine, 310 E. Superior St. in Duluth.

For more information or to register, please call 218-722-5002 888-BIG-LAKE, or e-mail reader @ lakesuperior.com.