Lindap Posts

Who is responsible?

On June 7 a local contractor dug up my home’s sewer line to find that the city’s contractor bored right through it with a gas line. The city says that it is the contractor’s responsibility, and they are out of business and this was 30 years ago so the statute of limitations is up and they are not responsible. The estimated repairs are approximately $20,000.

I say the city is guilty of reckless endangerment since there are homes that have actually blown up in the Cities after a local sewer cleaning company drilled into the gas line and gas leaked into homes. Those cases are in court right now. In 30 years you would think the city would have taken all precautions to scope the lines to be sure this would not happen again, since apparently I am not the first with this issue. Should I contact the Pipeline Safety organization? I know (especially since I am unemployed at the moment) that I do not have funds for a lawyer. WCCO? Local news? City Counselor? Any ideas for rectifying this situation?