krlars2 Posts

Long-term renting in Duluth

Where do professional types rent long-term in Duluth? Are there any rental complexes beyond that Boulder Ridge development that would be appropriate for an incoming UMD prof? Biking to campus would be a bonus. A sabbatical house-sitting-type gig would be okay if there was some room to store stuff. Where does one look for rentals of houses these days? Realtors (or friends of realtors) let me know if you have any ideas on rentals/rental agents. Trying to help an incoming UMD prof find a place to live at the end of the summer.

Am I just stupid, or are the Interstate Parking Lot Automatic Systems difficult?

I used an Interstate lot in downtown Duluth today thinking it would be a nice solution to not having quarters or cash and also not knowing how long my meeting was going to run. As is often the case in Duluth, I was unable to read my spot number and was also unable to read the spot number for the neighboring spot due to snow and ice. So I paid for 2 hours of parking using my license plate number. About five minutes before my two hours was up I called the 866 number listed on the receipt to extend time.

Problem number one encountered is that the receipt listed two lot numbers. On the top portion of the ticket, it says Lot 2561. On the very bottom of the ticket it says “to extend time at location 3110.” When I called the 866 number I was unsure which number was supposed to be entered.

Duluth Plumbing Advice

I need some advice on my circa-early-1900s plumbing. The tub plugs up about every 6 to 9 months. We snake out a good hair clog and move on with our lives. Tonight we can’t snake the clog. This happened one other time and we paid Roto Rooter a couple hundred dollars for a visit. The Roto Rooter guy tried to sell me some treatment for another couple hundred dollars that would smooth out the pipes and stop future clogs. It sounded like snake oil last time, but now I’m wondering if they can actually do something to help. So A) I’d like opinions on a good Duluth plumber to work on a clog and B) would like to know if the Roto Rooter treatment is worth $200 (or whatever it costs these days).

Update on Cathedral Parking

Thought I’d pass along an update to the early July post regarding parking around the Cathedral on Sunday:

We were all gently reminded today not to park on Wallace or in any illegal parking areas today after mass. The police have informed Father Peter they will start ticketing next week. A nice reminder that sometimes if you call the police, or the source of your problem, you can get things done! Hopefully tickets will work … people are still walking in for mass at 11 a.m. and the mass time was changed to 10:30 a.m. a couple of months ago. I suspect that will continue for a couple of years.