aluminumpork Posts

Piedmont/Lincoln Park Hwy 53 stretch

Anyone have any idea who is responsible for the Piedmont/Lincoln Park stretch of Hwy 53? I’m guessing it’s the state that has dropped the ball on this one. Tall grass on sides looks like it’s never been mowed and the sidewalks are completely covered in a 1/8″ of gravel. The street sweepers came through the neighborhood and didn’t touch them.

Any thoughts on who to contact?

Radar speed signs on Arrowhead and Sixth Avenue East?

What’s up with the “you are going this fast” signs on Sixth Avenue East and Arrowhead Road? I actually quite liked them when they were working. They offered a nice reality check for me and presumably others. They seem to be solar powered; are they both just broken? Are they subscription-based and the city is late on the payment?

Usual pot hole complaint: What’s the deal?

Is there a schedule that I’m not aware of for pot hole filling? I feel like the weather has been warm enough lately for filling, but I have yet to see a single crew out. Are they waiting for all the snow to melt? Do they fear another snow storm and the plows it will bring? Have we decided to simply switch to gravel roads because they would be smoother?

My already fragile and poorly designed suspension is crying.

Armory: Love it, but would also love this

I was reading the Duluth News Tribune coverage of the Duluth Armory flood damage and happened upon this comment:

I wonder if the Armory Arts Org has bitten off more than it can chew. This place is really a white elephant but that is the regretful truth. The scale of difficulties in dealing with a place of this size, age and state of disrepair – now with flood damage and other problems – It’s just not going anywhere!

Enventis utility covers in Jefferson neighborhood

Enventis utility cover

Yeah, I’m excited for the extra special cable beneath this seemingly innocuous cover.

Anybody see this yet? It was certainly a surprising sight while waiting in the drive-through at McDonald’s.

While I was getting coffee at the London Road McDonald’s, I noticed signs popping up from the other side of the fence.

92.1 Lite FM now “Nu 92”?

It looks like local radio stations aren’t done changing formats yet. I turned my car radio on this morning and saw that 92.1 Lite FM is now “Nu 92” and appears to be another top 40 station. Can anyone else confirm? Did this happen a while ago and I just never noticed? More importantly, why on earth do we need three top 40 stations?!

“The North Shore” car window sticker

A few weeks ago, a car passed me that had a window sticker that looked like the North Face logo, except it said “The North Shore.” I’d never seen it before, and it’s one of the first stickers I feel is worthy of putting on my car.

Anyone know where I can find it?