Adam Fleischhacker Posts

Where in Duluth?

[This post contained a photo embedded from another web location. The photo is no longer available at its source.]

Where in Duluth is this newly established landmark? It washed up on shore about 5+ years ago and hasn’t moved since.

North Shore Drive-up Scenery

I am UMD student and an avid outdoor enthusiast. I love hiking, camping, climbing to hard-to-reach places to get some amazing views, etc. My family wants to come visit me here in Duluth, and wants to see some of my favorite nature spots, however, my family is a bit old and my favorite spots all require an hour-long hike and 500-foot climb, of which most of my family is incapable of doing. So I am wondering if anybody knows of any amazing scenery spots along the North Shore that do not require any strenuous activity to get to, and what I like to call drive-up scenery.

So far I have come up with areas such as Palisade Head, Gooseberry (of course) and Split Rock Nature Area. I am looking to find hiking trails and secluded beaches. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated!

Abandoned places to see

Does anyone happen to know where these abandoned, yet beautiful, spots are? If you have some of your own, feel free to share pictures and locations so everyone can enjoy. There is a lot of little secrets along the North Shore like these. 

(Photos are by Christian Dalbec)