Selective Focus: Andrew Remer’s Marbles, Glass Art & 3D Printing

Andrew Remer has been working with glass since 2016. After taking a class in Minneapolis, he began experimenting with the medium along with some friends. The group rented hourly studio time at Potekglass and later built a garage studio in Shakopee. Remer moved to Duluth in 2019 and began working at Lake Superior Art Glass. He branched out on his own into a full-time artistic career during the COVID-19 pandemic, completing commissions and attending several festivals to share his art.

What/who inspired you to start making glass art?

“I’ve always been inspired to make art. From a young age I’ve enjoyed painting, photography, and sculpting. As I grew older, I decided to pursue a career in graphic design. From there I learned Computerized Numerical Control machine work and began working with lasers and engravers. I’ve always loved working with my hands, which pushed me off of the computer and back to focusing on working with more physical art media. My friends growing up were also big collectors of local art which included glass. I was introduced to my friends’ collections of marbles, pendants, and sculptures made here in Minnesota and that is what got my foot in the door to the glass world.”

What types of projects are you working on currently?

“Right now I am working on preparing for some of the summer art festivals as summer flies by. I am currently looking forward to the Makers Market events at Earth Rider Brewery. I have also been teaching myself some 3D-modeling software to create custom prints with my 3D printers to incorporate into my mixed media work. I like to stay busy and piece together pieces from my different hobbies into one mixed media piece.”

What has been one of your favorite projects to work on?

Right now I have really been enjoying experimenting with using Lake Superior agates in my art. I’m super inspired by the nature that surrounds Duluth and I love foraging for natural pieces that I can incorporate into my work. It is hard for me to pick a favorite project as I love putting all of my energy into all of my art. Creating is my passion and I try to have that passion reflected in my work.”

Do you do collaborations? Could you describe some of those, or a favorite?

I do like to work on collaboration projects with my fellow glass artists. I’ve tried to make my work unique by adding copper plating with the electroforming process as well as incorporating 3D prints into my work. Most of the collaboration pieces I’ve been a part of usually show off my copper work. I love working with artists all over the place and thanks to the internet have been able to collaborate with artists in Connecticut, Texas and Arizona. One of my favorite collaborative pieces has been a mixed media statue that I have just recently finished up. It is on its way to be the centerpiece in a new restaurant in Connecticut.

How would you describe your process as an artist?

“Haha! I would describe my process as ‘a little messy.’ I like to keep most things clean and organized but my work bench and art table almost always look in a state of chaos. That being said though, I know what’s piled in each collection of art supplies. I like being able to bounce between multiple projects so I don’t become burnt out on what I am working on. When I am working on a project, I love to just let the energy flow and the process take its own path. Not letting projects become too structured allows me to really let my creative energy flow.”

What would you say that your goal is as an artist? or in making artwork?

“My goal as an artist is to create magic. I go by the artist alias of ‘Mago Glass, where Mago is Latin for mage or wizard. I love thinking that I get to work with fire, alchemy and other wizardly things. I love creating pieces that leave the viewer with some sense of awe. I think glass is such a magical medium and when I can see someone’s jaw drop in amazement when they look at one of my pieces then I feel I have done my job.”

Are there other mediums that you like to work with, in addition to glasswork and 3D printing?

“Glass is my main track but I do like to divert with 3D modeling and copper electroforming. I love copper electroforming as it uses an acidic solution and an electro-magnet to ionize copper and re-plate it on to my glass. I originally saw a glass artists use this technique around 2010 and told myself I needed to learn that technique as well. I do still like to dabble in graphic design as well as pulling out the old camera to play around with some photography as well.”

Where would you like to see your artwork go in the future? In what ways would you like to expand on what you’re already doing?

“I’d love to see my art take me on more adventures. In the future I’d love to expand to larger art shows around the country or even take a trip to meet some of my internet artist friends I have collaborated with. I would also like to expand with more collaboration projects with not just my mixed media but more with glass as well. I love how my glass artist friends are always willing to share their knowledge and ideas, so to share more methods and ideas would mean everything would only grow as well.”

Is there anything else that you’d like to mention or for others to know?

“I’d love to chat with more people who are interested in glass art at some of my local events. I can be found at Earth Rider’s Maker Markets on Aug. 14, 21 and Sept. 4. I will also be at the Duluth Farmers Market on Aug. 19 and Sept. 16. However, if you would like to see more of my work before then, check out my Instagram at @mago_glass

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