Peter Juhl rocks!

Peter Juhl  RocksMinneapolis TV station KARE 11 last night aired a feature from the north shore of Lake Superior, where Peter Juhl balances rocks in ways that defy gravity. (Click the “read more” button to view the video; it starts playing automatically, so we can’t have it on the home page.)

Post some of your favorite rock balancing photos in the comments.

Video montage of Peter Juhl’s work.


Cory Fechner

about 9 years ago

Fall River Rocks

Cory Fechner

about 9 years ago

The beaches of Palisade Head.

Cory Fechner

about 9 years ago

Rocking the Coywolf


about 9 years ago

I wish people would stop desecrating beaches by doing these dumb stacks of rocks. It is similar in nature and substance to graffiti. No one wants to arrive at an isolated, remote Lake Superior beach to find this garbage. Your "art" belongs in society, maybe even in a museum, but why can't we appreciate nature, revere nature, honor nature, but then leave nature to do its thing? What is the motivation to create these?

Have any of you heard of "Leave No Trace", a set of wilderness ethics intended to leave a place the way it is, so that others can come have a similar untainted nature experience, free of societal influence.  As if Duluth and Highway 61 aren't reminder enough that this coastline is over run by neurotic anthropoid apes ... like we need people leaving this junk along the shore and rivers?

I plan to personally kick over any of these stacks I see. There is nothing "zen" about them.  This rock stack / cairn craze is just another example of humans being neurotic in their approach to nature- the notion that we should leave traces of ourselves Everywhere, even on the remote beaches of this isolated lake, is yet another example of just how isolated from, and at odds with nature humans really are these days.  

You want Zen? Try a silent walk along a shore, try contemplating that Lake Superior is the largest source of freshwater in the world by surface area.. That water has a avg residence time of over 190 years in this lake(longer near Duluth) ... maybe take a swim in the lake, go learn how to kayak safely ... go ahead and develop an honest connection with the Lake.

But stop graffiti-ing the coast line!

Paul Lundgren

about 9 years ago

Well, good. Now we know all about zen.


about 9 years ago

Is this the same person who made these stacks all around town and in Chester Park?
I remember seeing several all around town, and an article somewhere about how sad people were when they found them knocked down after being there awhile. Was that here on PDD or?


about 9 years ago

I wonder if you are thinking of this MPR piece, RUBY2SD4Y, about rock doc Joel Carter.

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