Selective Focus: Blanket Fort

Marija Majerle, untitled
This week’s theme is simple, merely a matter of where you feel secure; whether that’s among your family, with a loved one, even out in nature, or at a favorite watering hole. Next week let’s see images of the people, places, and things that make you insecure, test your mettle, and remove you from your comfort zone. We’ll call the theme “perilous,” and again, your broadest interpretations are encouraged.
Bear in mind too that our feature isn’t limited to professional photographers, or even avid hobbyists. The quality of your images is more important than the gear, whether you’re a point-and-shooter, cam phone user, or sending photos from the family album. Keep the filters and the gizmonics to a minimum, and we’ll all be just fine.
Remember to send your unwatermarked, signature-less images by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m to tim @ — 1000px at their largest dimension — along with title (if any), and URL of your website, Facebook page, Tumblr, or Flickr stream.

Kip Praslowicz, untitled

Cheryl Reitan, untitled

Cheryl Reitan, untitled

Marija Majerle, untitled

Richard C. Johnson, untitled

Richard C. Johnson, untitled

Julie Pendleton Pfoser, untitled

Zach Kerola, untitled

Zach Kerola, untitled

Zach Kerola, “Burnt Log”

Emily Norton, “Secure”

Richard Narum, “Piss Off”
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