This week: hiking, anime and boats, boats, boats!


Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.

Sara Mowchan hiked the Appalachian Trail, if you know what I mean! No, she actually literally hiked it. You can hear all about it on Tuesday as part of Duluth Pack‘s Outdoor Adventure Series.

It’s midwinter, so why not stroll around the DECC and look at boats, motorcycles and recreational vehicles? You can do just that Wednesday through Sunday.

Private Eyes opens at The Underground on Thursday, a play with a fantastic cast, and afterwards you can head down to Pizza Lucé for the Transistor’s 10th Anniversary/Anti-Valentines celebration.

For Valentine’s Day proper, Friday, there are a wealth of activities to attend, including a fundraiser for LOON at the Northland Country Club, a spaghetti dinner at Amazing Grace, and dinner and comedy at Dubh Linn.

And on Friday at Teatro Zuccone Jonathan Manchester is remounting his one man show, Everything You’ve Done That Hurt Me, which was one of the most talked about shows of 2013. It’s a 20 page break up letter found in the street in front of his house.

Zinema 2‘s Saturday Morning Family Series continues with My Neighbor Totoro on Saturday morning.

So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know.

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