Port Huron to Home: Bryan Hansel’s 800-mile kayak adventure photography exhibit and presentation

BryanBryan Hansel

During the spring and early summer of 2011, Bryan Hansel kayaked from Port Huron, Michigan to Grand Marais, Minnesota. His journey took 45 days, and he covered 800 miles. On the trip, he traversed the two largest Great Lakes, averaged 22 miles a day, paddled in waves taller than a refrigerator, visited Isle Royale and even ordered pizza delivered to his tent. Bryan will exhibit print and digital images from his experience and talk about his adventures. You don’t want to miss this! Hansel’s prints from the trek will also be on exhibit starting in early August!

Tuesday, Aug. 9, at 7pm at the DPI, 405 E. Superior St, Duluth. Free for members, $5 for non-members. Space is limited, e-mail the DPI to RSVP. For more information one this presentation or the DPI, go to duluthphotographyinstitute.com.

Bryan Hansel is an outdoor photographer, writer and sea kayaking instructor. His work appears in national and regional magazines, newspapers, calendars, in both print and broadcast advertisement, on numerous websites, in stores, in galleries and on the walls of many homes. Learn more at bryanhansel.com.

1 Comment

Lor tab

about 13 years ago

I heard about this on Fri Aug 12

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