Neighbors of Lower Chester Park

We are a newly formed nonprofit. Our mission is to revitalize Lower Chester Park get ins. and flood the rink and have open skating again on our rink. There was talk of tearing down the rink from time to time and we would like to have that permanently put to rest with the city.

We also would like to fundraise for a playground and other improvements.

We have a tenative meeting with the Parks Dept./Friends of the Parks and the “NEIGHBORS of LOWER CHESTER” planned for Dec. 2nd. We will have that meeting at Chester Pk. Un. Methodist Ch. at 7:00 p.m. with confirmation from Kathy Bergen of the Parks Dept./Friends of the Parks.

All neighbors including the many students in the area should attend this meeting and make their voices heard. Now is the time to speak up.

We had a play day picnic Sept. 25th, 2010 that was a lot of fun and we intend to have another this coming summer plus many other activities with community involvement.

Contacts are: Mabel Galvin 724-7667 e-mail = [email protected] and Deb F. at [email protected].



about 14 years ago

I used to skate on that rink in my younger days! Good luck to you with your efforts, I didn't know the city had shut it down.

mabel galvin

about 14 years ago

There is a planned meeting Dec. 2nd at Chester Pk. Un. Methodist Church at 819 N. 18th Av. E. at 6:45 BETWEEN of NEIGHBORS OF LOWER CHESTER PK. and Friends of the Parks.  This is the time for anyone who has an opinion or something to say to show up and voice your concerns.  We have been forwarding what neighbors have had to say for you.  NOW it's YOUR  turn. I hope to see all of you  and anyone who has had or might have any interest in the park or neighborhood to show up.  We can make this a nice clean attractive and functional recreational center again. Hopefully, when we get the insurance and ice back we can start work on a new playground as well and next summer some garden plots for those interested.

Thanks, Mabel Galvin co-chair


about 14 years ago

I grew up in that area and spent many cold days on the ice and in the warming shack. One of the best candy stands in town, as I remember. I remember skating with my family at midnight on New Years Eve a few times when it wasn't too cold. Best of luck to you, wish I was in town to help. If you ever have a sale of vintage Lower Chester merchandise (hats, sweaters, etc), let me know.

mabel galvin

about 14 years ago

Next meeting of "Neighbors of Lower Chester" will be at 7:00 p.m. at Chester Pk. Un. Methodist Church at 819 N. 18th Av. E.
If you have any questions about neighborhood planning and how you'd like to see the neighborhood improved please join us and give us your good ideas.
Co-chair  Mabel Galvin

mabel galvin

about 14 years ago

The meeting at Chester Pk.Un Metodist Church for "Neighbors of Lower Chester is on Thursday December 16th. at 7:00 p.m. 

Bev Berntson

about 14 years ago

Great to see comments from people who have lived close by or used the Rink and the area in the past. I lived in the area first, 42 years ago, when my three sons were ice-mites pushing chairs around the rink when they were only 2 and 3 years old. Later they played for Lower Chester (the Bacigs, now Bacigalupos). I currently live kitty-corner to the rink area and am looking forward, hopefully, to seeing the area alive with people playing through out the year. Bev Berntson

Bev Berntson

about 14 years ago

The next meeting of Neighbors of Lower Chester is Thursday Jan. 20, @ 7:00 pm at Chester Park United Methodist Church, at  819 N. 18th Ave. E. We welcome any new members, and would like to see any members who have already signed up.

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