Best of Homegrown 2010

Well, now that the booze has worn off, let’s take a moment to reflect on the great Homegrown moments. What were some of the best acts you saw? Biggest surprises?


Hunter s thompson

about 14 years ago

They keyboardest for the Rez melted my face off the last two songs of thier set. Homie was in an alice in wonderland like trance. :)

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

The crowd at Thirsty Pagan made the Boomchucks' set one of the band's best.

I made it out all eight nights, but only saw 30 of the 150 acts.

Acceleratii, Words to a Film Score, Coal Car Caboose and all of the Sunday night bands stick out in my mind.

Other things were even better, but I'm not going to pretend I remember them.

Brett K Molitor

about 14 years ago

The Surfactants!!!! of course!!!


about 14 years ago

That wasn't Brett K Molitor! How rude! Who'd vote their own band?! Man! That guy.

Anyhow, the REAL Brett K Molitor liked cars and trucks and Bone at the Rex. Also Batteries and Humanoid. 

Also, the snakes at the "secret" show. Plus, Cougar and Rod Stewart's "Hot Legs" were highlights.

Don Ness

about 14 years ago

Always dangerous to start listing, there were so many great shows.  We could all list the obvious (the NorShor is an experience to remember) but beyond the big names, here are my favorites:

Poor Howard
Words to a Film Score
Canine Heart Sounds
Tangier 57
Boomchucks @ TPB
Iron Range Outlaw Brigade
Trip down memory lane (Sat night at RTs)

Great surprises:
AM Herculis - their sound really came together
Healthy Band Music Club - great, fun sound
Chad's homerun

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Don, Don, Don ... do I have to correct you about everything? Chad didn't kick a home run. He reached and scored on an error. His kick bounced off Dustin Savela's chest. It should have been an easy out. Dustin slipped in the snow/mud trying to make the catch.

So Chad ends up with the MVP and Dustin gets the goat award -- all based on bad footing. So it goes.

The goat award is not to be confused with LVP, by the way, which went to Tina Ludwig-Laxen. Not only did she step in front of our sure-fielding second baseman (Nate something) and drop a ball, but later she stepped on my beer.

Left to right: MVP Chad Lyons, scorekeeper Jason Cork, LVP Tina Ludwig-Laxen


about 14 years ago

Saturday night at RT Quinlan's was AMAZING, just thinking about my lost youth and how my favorite bands only play at Homegrown brings tears to my eyes. A lot of it was the "intimate" venue and seeing lots of people I like there. 

Ballyhoo and Fr Hennepin was fricking brilliant!

the dead

about 14 years ago

Fromundas ... nuff said.


about 14 years ago

Burly skewering bone apetit and his own crowd at Luce. Brilliant.

The Friendly Old Knifey

about 14 years ago

Southwire - The reverb in Sacred Heart was perfect for that set.

Boomchucks - Awesome performance at the TPB. I hope that many people go to their shows in the future.

Soup Town Night, in general.

Baby Grant giving us a Hamms can full of whiskey during our set.

The Moon is Down - Seven acoustic guitars on stage at the same time.

House parties.

Rocking on stage with the Fontanelles and being very happy that I wasn't in the crowd.


about 14 years ago

I hope Burly at least said something funny about Bone.  He was gonna come do something during our set, but got kicked out of the Rex.  I rode up and shared a hotel room with Baby Grant, so most of my highlights involve that dude!


about 14 years ago

Dios Mio and the corresponding mosh pit/ crowd surfing action for 30 min. Straight.  Friday night kickball team's four-peat.


about 14 years ago

Hidden Roots and Rachael Kilgour at Sacred Heart on Sunday were both excellent. Two Many Banjos and The Rez were both wonderful at Bev's on Thursday night. Of course TBT was great and I also liked North at the Brewhouse on Saturday night.


about 14 years ago

Jeffery James proposing to his girlfriend after she learned to play a few of his song on bass. Silenced the crowd. 
That and gin and tonics.


about 14 years ago

I only got out on Saturday and only to RT's... I think seeing everybody and their brother (except Zra who was home with the brood) out was really cool... LBB rocked the house and the Fromundas kicked ass. 

I heard a rumor about our Mayor getting moshed during Little Black Books, though... true? 

Next year, we're sending the kids to Grandma's.


about 14 years ago

Some great stuff for sure...

For me the best act (the most fun and interesting) was Matt Ray and Those Damn Horses at the Brewhouse on Saturday night. My other highlights were Old Knifey, the Bitter Spills, and North Shore Trio.

Indeed a great Homegrown!

Bill Meier

about 14 years ago

Highlights for me include a great night of bullshitin with old friends at Quinlins on Sat. night, seeing the Norshor packed, Ethan kicking ass on the bass with Freddie and Dan, seeing Dan kicked out of the Rex ... blah blah blah.


about 14 years ago

Seeing Bone one *last* time.
Healthy Band Music Club.
The two songs I remember playing Sat @ Brewhouse (thanks for the kind words Steve!).

norton c woods

about 14 years ago

Tangier 57 was fun.  

Rock Brigade was the best show no one saw.  Damn they were entertaining.

First half of Father Hennepin was good.  When the Tangier 57 horns stepped up to the stage it was GREAT.

The smooth sounds of James and Younger blew me away. Really set my weary Sunday morning mind at ease.  They were class.


about 14 years ago

The black egg incident(s).

I still have a healthy distrust of bluegrass, but seeing for the first time that Trampled By Turtles are ridiculously tight, and that several hundred people at the NorShor were really, really into them, was pretty cool to watch.

Uncle Dave

about 14 years ago

I enjoyed the Matt Ray and Those Damn Horses show at the Brewhouse on Sat!!  Anyone else catch THAT?

Little Black Books were good too!


about 14 years ago

BEST HOMEGROWN EVER! And Bill Meier, I liked the poetry slam at Chester Creek Cafe too! I wasn't disappointed in a single performance I went to -- I'm just bummed at all the great shows I missed b/c I haven't figured out how to clone myself.


about 14 years ago

1. The third chorus of "too high to die too drunk to fuck" by Boner Petite.
2. Chris Wittier's insights into Rick Boo at the roast.
3. The first chorus of "too high to die to drunk too fuck" by Boner Petite.
4. Chatting with the Mayor.
5. Watching the sun rise on Sunday morning.
6. The 15 minutes I spent bumpin and grindin with all the hot babes at the Red Star after my Sat. set at the Brewhouse
7. The Fat Hen's set at Quinlin's, still the stickiest, most beer drenched dance floor in the northland!
8. My slide solo on "The Two Fingered Willie."
9. All the beautiful happy smiling people.
10. The drunken mayhem that happens on the trolley.


about 14 years ago

I forgot one other great thing about Homegrown was the fantastic cover art for the schedule that Bridget Riversmith painted! Way to go Bridget!


about 14 years ago

Yeah, I caught the Matt Ray set ... FUN FUN FUN!!

Zac Bentz

about 14 years ago

The best part was seeing people in the audience. Where the hell do you people go for the rest of the year?


about 14 years ago

Someone needs to say something about the Hotel Coral Essex.  That was probably my favorite show.

Also: Fred Tyson.  Good lord.

Two Many Banjos were incredibly tight.  And, just as I was about to turn around and fight through the crowd for a drink, the violinist handed me a beer.  Because Homegrown is magic.

The DT's were really cool.

As were Rusty Borealis.

Posing for pictures with the wizard, seconds before he got sawed in half, was a personal highlight.

And Coyote in Amazing Grace was perfect.

I'm still dehydrated, still exhausted and irritable, and I think that my eardrums are permanently damaged.  But it was perfect.  All of it.  Thank you thank you thank you everyone who makes this happen.


about 14 years ago



about 14 years ago

Well, my tastes run to the less raucous than some, but my enjoyment was just as great. My picks (not necessarily in order):

Kip Jones - music I have never heard before
Total Freedom Rock - very in the moment
Tangier 57 - smart music + horns
Kathy McTavish - the score to my film life

Thanks to all who contributed to a week-full-o'-fun.

Hot Shot

about 14 years ago

Thanks for the call-out, Hackler.

Cars & Trucks.  Need I say more?
Retribution was amazing in that theater
Iron Range Outlaw Brigade is always a good time
RT's was a blast on Saturday
A four-peat at the kickball game was a no-brainer

I also need to make a shout to Brad Fernholz of Bradical Boombox (and the HCE) for making the trip up here to scare the hell out of everyone with some death jazz/garage opera.  He knows what's up in this city and loves everyone here.


about 14 years ago

Batteries at Teatro on Sat nite was a good show.  Lots of people came in to groove to them.

Turtles at the NorShor Main Theatre was amazing.  When RGC joined them onstage & the light show was going & everyone was grooving in their own way, it was incredible.  Great, great cover they all did of "Down By The River" by Neil Young.

Then on down the street to see Ballyhoo at RT's.  Didn't even try to get in, it was so packed! - Just stood on the stairs enjoying the show.  What a show!  And pretty much a good view too!  Ballyhoo was rockin'.

This one guy setting up his amp & guitar in an empty doorway, playing on Superior Street.  On my way to RT's, I asked him his band name & he said "The Best Band."  Funny.

Mostly, seeing old & new friends.


about 14 years ago

TOTAL FREEDOM ROCK.  All the way.  Amazing.  And in that space,  just perfect.  Perfect.

Fred Tyson is the nicest man alive.  

Remembering how fun kickball is and noticing how bad I am at it as an adult.  

DIOS MIO.  Luce has never been so alive.

Hard Feelings @ post kickball BBQ was really, really good.  Hadn't heard them before that.  

All the people I drunkenly bumped into and made them spill things on themselves:  Sorry.


about 14 years ago

It cracked me up at the Rex when Cars & Trucks played there, I hugged C-Freak and then a wave of people -- like, a tsunami!-- swept us forward a few feet -- I held on to C-Freak for dead life.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

By the way, next year's Homegrown dates are May 1-8, in case anyone needs to make super-advance plans to travel to Duluth or whatever.

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