What the F-Bomb happened in front of my house yesterday?

My son and I were sitting in the front room and heard the common yelling fight there usually is on our Armpit-of-Duluth-Corner-of-Doom. It was 5 p.m., the time the kid got off the bus last Friday, when all the chaos happened. Yesterday, Pirate was sick sans bus.

At the first “gun-shot,” I told Pirate to duck, then covered him. I counted seven gun shots; the sound was not “together” like a firecracker. And it was LOUD!

After the shots, I crawled to my kitchen to get my phone (our apartment is all windows) and then saw three policemen with bullet proof vests (reading “Police” on the back) with machine? (big and long) guns pointing at the three young men, whom they told “On the ground, on the ground” many times. A fourth policeman in the same “black” police gear came and hand-cuffed, then foot-cuffed the three young men.

Then about five snipers? – guys/ gals in camouflage, helmets, vests, big guns and two camoflauged snipers had weird water or air guns “arrived on the scene” – or basically seemed there for a while. “They” cleaned up the sidewalk in front of my place and the place across the street.

Time passed and I looked out my fishbowl again to see the teen perps questioned (no more foot cuffs) at three different cars, by three different policemen. At this time some plain clothes police (a man and a woman)? come out on the road, questioning the police/ perps as well.

Like the last incident in front of my house, I have heard NOTHING about what happened on the T.V. news or in the DNT.

I called the Lincoln Park Police Department today and got its voice-mail. I left a message. My son heard from a neighbor that it was a “Flash-Bang” grenade.

During the whole incident (which lasted a couple hours) there was also a huge truck with lights in the middle of the next block.

I was not told anything about the incident (“coast is clear”, “this is what’s happening”, etc.)

AND, nothing about this event was in the paper or in the TV news.
Will someone please tell me what happened in front of my house?


Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

I don't think you're going to get a worthwhile answer on PDD. It sounds like aside from the cops involved (who can't talk) and the people who were arrested (who can't talk) that the best authority on what happened is you yourself. 

Unless you talk to your neighbors who were involved, which sounds like a really bad idea.


about 14 years ago

I may not get an answer here, but I am not taking this post off either. I think I have a right to know what happened. About four years ago, I awoke up at 3 a.m. with a cop car on my lawn (an inch from my fish-bowl glass windows); the lights woke me up in my BACK BEDROOM! When I went out & asked what was happening I was told "GET BACK IN THE HOUSE". About a year later, after my next-door neighbors moved, I learned that one of the men living there had held-up a house in Piedmont with a gun. Which meant a cop car was allowed on my lawn, as well as other cops all over the area. The next renters of that house set fire to their house and their kids stole from my son. 

I spoke to Mayor Ness about my neighborhood when he was campaigning. I have had better neighbors in that house since. 

Now I want to know whether there was a "shoot-out" or "flash-bomb" going on in front of my house, causing me to bodily protect my 10 year old.


about 14 years ago

I have no answers, but where do you live?

Big Brother

about 14 years ago

You weren't supposed to see that operation. The mop-ups must have missed you. Report to police headquarters at once for a memory cleanse.

Buford Pusser

about 14 years ago

Hey dude, time to leave that shit ass neighborhood and move to a better place.


about 14 years ago

You admittedly live in a bad neighborhood in Duluth and you are taking the time to post here when things go bad.  Why are you even surprised when things like that happen?


about 14 years ago

I'm sure some sort of warrant was issued. It will eventually show up in the DNT Matter of Record if charges get filed. If there were a shoot-out or hostage situation or other situation involving a firearm, it would show up in the local media. They all have police scanners. On Monday during business hours, you will probably be able to get some info from cops. Remember though, if it's an on-going investigation and/or charges have not yet been filed, the police may not be able to tell you what happened.


about 14 years ago

Give the DNT (or other local media) a call while this kind of crap is going on.  Obviously 911 isn't going to do you any good, the cops are already there, but call the news, tell them bullets are flying and I'd be they'll be on it like white on rice... maybe.


about 14 years ago

vote republican, and this stuff might get better,  keep voting in all the delusional bleeding hearts and this is exactly what we get.  The DNT will not report certian things that will make this town look unsafe, or appear to look like our moral compass is falling into a bottomless pit.  The police are watering down the crime stats. I can't wait to see what this city has in store for itself soon, if things continue.

Chicken Little

about 14 years ago

The sky is falling!


about 14 years ago

The responses to this post make me feel like I am reading the DNT comments section.


about 14 years ago

Jim, what color is the sky in your world? If you hate it so much here in Sodom by Superior, why don't you move to Indiana or something, where you'd fit in a lot better? The more comments I read online that are written by the Republicans in this town, the more committed I am to working my butt off to keeping those people out of elected office. 

BryGuy is right, call the media while something is going on, if you want to know what it's about.


about 14 years ago

Calk, What world do you live. There are not any Republicans holding any significant positions of power in Northern Minnesota. All the social injustice in Duluth lands squarely on the DFL's shoulders. What we are experiencing in Duluth as far as bad jobs, crime, ect is the direct result of too much influence from one side of the aisle. Now before you attempt to tear into me, I have always voted Democrat, but I am changing my ways come November.


about 14 years ago

Last time I saw statistics, they indicated that the crime rate in Duluth has not been rising. Not to say it didn't suck to hear gunshots in your neighborhood, Purple. But some folks want to talk about a growing problem with crime here, so they can blame it on someone, and there isn't one.


about 14 years ago

I lived on 40th Ave West last year, and one night my roommate woke me up and told me that we should leave. I went outside to find several police with full-military gear pointing sniper rifles at my neighbors house... we were advised to leave so we wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. Apparently it was because of a "domestic threat involving a gun."

Duluth's Finest seem to enjoy flexing their muscle any chance they get. Remember the most recent homicide and the day-long stand off this last year? They rocked out all their hand-me-down military gear! The sad thing is that we (the taxpayer) paid for that gear twice: once to the Feds for the U.S. military, and another time to the City so they could buy it from them


about 14 years ago

um, yeah, time to move. No brainer.


about 14 years ago

ahem, jim...

perhaps you should rethink that. suggesting that we vote republican to keep the crime down is akin to suggesting that if we stick bananas in our ears, alligators won't be a problem.


about 14 years ago

Hahaha! Move?! Duluth has next to no crime! Anywhere you go it will be the same or worse... Are you going to hide away in the middle of the woods? It's a terrible thing when you let fear control your decision making.

Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

So, remember back at the beginning of this thread when I said, "I don't think you're going to get a worthwhile answer on PDD"? This is exactly the conversation that I imagined would happen.


about 14 years ago

Compared to where I lived in Philadelphia in the mid-80s -- Osage Avenue -- does that ring a bell? -- Duluth is paradise. Someone said Duluth's Finest like to flex their muscles. . . I lived about 20 blocks from a city block that was bombed by the City of Philadelphia. Feel free to Google it: "Move" "Osage Avenue" and "1985" 

I feel for Purple -- this is Duluth, these things shouldn't be happening. But things like this do happen in cities -- and much worse in big cities. At least no one died in Purple's nieghborhood the other night. And, in fact, the neighborhood is still standing.


about 14 years ago

A guy recently told me about a flash-bang grenade episode that occurred at the "crackhouse" (his word) across the street from him. I wonder if it's the same episode as Purple's, or if the whole flash-bang strike-force model of law enforcement is becoming more common.


about 14 years ago

And of course Purple should keep trying to get answers. Whatever the circumstances may be, quasi-military operations in residential neighborhoods are something to be concerned about.


about 14 years ago

I used to rent a house on 6th & 6th and heard gunshots, screams, domestic disturbances, etc., all the time. Houses (including ours) and local businesses were burglarized so many times, I lost count. I used to watch my neighbors piss off their balcony as they threw their spent liquor bottles, beer cans, and garbage in the yard. They never picked any of their trash up, so I always did it for them, usually on Sundays when they slept till late afternoon. I knew it was a bad area before I moved in. I lived there because it was cheap and it was the best I could afford at the time, as do most other people in that area. My roommates & I did the best we could with what little we had to make our house a nice place to live, but there was always some kind of neighborhood drama going on. Twice I wasn't able to to get within a block of my neighborhood because the whole area was cordoned off by police due to two separate instances of gun-wielding crazies. That was in 2001-2003 when the Republicans were the majority. Either way, and whichever side currently has the upper hand, it's just a bad neighborhood because of many reasons, none of which have anything to do with republicans or democrats. I eventually had enough and moved. So did my roommates and a good amount of the non-slumlord homeowners. I'm sure it hasn't changed all that much since then.


about 14 years ago

Ramos: The incident you referred to may have been this (it took place 2/28): http://www.duluthmn.gov/downloads/100/20100301-100-383.pdf.


about 14 years ago

Codie, I'd like to see how you handle the "domestic threat with a gun." It seems kinda odd how you both want less crime yet less police presence.


about 14 years ago

Duluth has a below average crime rate, on the whole.

All you "DFL is bad" wankers can suck it.


Don't know about what might have happened.  Sounds like typical shenanigans.


about 14 years ago

As far as I know the Lincoln Park substation is just occupied by the Lincoln Park Citizen's Patrol a couple hours a day. These are good people to talk to and usually know what is going on in the neighborhood.
They have a Facebook page with contact info.. 
Also, Officer Jim Hansen is your community officer
Phone: 218-730-5565
[email protected]


about 14 years ago

Anyone who wants to blame the local DFL on our crime problem clearly doesn't understand what's going on.  Duluth is struggling to keep a full police force because our Republican governor cut LGA funds.  Our schools are in trouble because a Republican president cut taxes on wealthy Americans, so there is less money for worthy programs; and we are leaving some child behind.


about 14 years ago

You can go to the police dept. (411 West First Street, Room 104), look through the Daily Report on the counter, write down the incident report number, and ask the folks behind the window for a copy of the report. They sometimes stonewall though, even though it's supposed to be public info.

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