Who’s that woman with Al Franken?

He stole some of her thunder, but Rep. Kyrsten Sinema is willing to share the spotlight with Sen. Al Franken Sunday night as they keynote and kick off the Commonweal Institute’s 2009 Progressive Roundtable at 7 p.m. in the Moorish Room at Greysolon Plaza, 321 E. Superior St. It’s free and open to the public, but seating is limited and registration is strongly encouraged. Call (218) 726-5430.
You can catch Sinema in a solo act signing her just-released book at Northern Lights in Canal Park from 2-3 p.m. Sunday.

The Arizona state legislator has earned the 2007 Planned Parenthood Advocates Choice Award, environmental awards, and recently served as the Chair of Arizona Together, a campaign to defeat a same-sex marriage ban on the ballot. Kyrsten is a dedicated advocate for disadvantaged and oppressed populations, environmental justice and social justice.

Her book, “Unite and Conquer: How to Build Coalitions that Win and Last,” is described by the publisher: “Divide-and-conquer tactics stolen from conservatives do not work, especially in the long term, to further progressive causes. There is no logic or power in trying to use bad strategies to get to a good place. In Unite and Conquer, legislator Krysten Sinema shows how the future of the progressive movement is to be found in unity, alignment and partnership. Sinema’s no-nonsense, concrete approach shows readers that we are all really more alike than different, and that we can get work together successfully for change when we let go of specific outcomes and focus on our shared values.”

KS 2009


Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

I bet she is also for limiting educational grants and aid as well as being a firm believer in there is only one god and it is the one that she beleives in.

After the american people voted in the last election the republicans had to do something to survive. Ergo UNITE

Todd Gremmels

PS How can a Rep from the state of Arizona say we are alike when it is illegal to have solar panels for private use in her great state.


about 15 years ago

If you misread: Rep. stands for representative. I actually don't know her political affiliation.

Bad Cat!

about 15 years ago

She's... so perfect. She has all the right beliefs, and that photo is like a model shot. It's almost like she's some android created specifically to fulfill our political needs.
Ok, I'll drink some caffeine and wake up a bit now.


about 15 years ago

looks plastic? gots ta be a little airbrushin goin on with that mugshot.

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

Hey spy1 I bet you can guess her political connections!!!!

Todd Gremmels

Danny G

about 15 years ago

How dare she be attractive.

You Perfectoids crack me up sometimes.


about 15 years ago

She will also be at Northern Lights Books to sign her book Sunday afternoon - stop by if you're interested http://norlights.indiebound.com/event/booksigning-kyrsten-sinema


about 15 years ago

I used to live in Arizona, and it is now legal to install solar panels on private residences, thanks to Kyrsten Sinema. She sponsored the bill that put an end to  restrictions on renewable energy generation devices.


about 15 years ago

I was at the event this evening, and, frankly, Sinema stole the show. She is smart, funny, and cute. She very well may be our first woman president.

Howard Covitz

about 15 years ago

Hi, from Arizona!  Kyrsten is the state Democratic party's best hope here.  She is fantastic!  A great speaker with support from the progressive arts community in Phoenix, who is very sincere, yet she has a genius for politics that have come into great use in this conservative region of this conservative state.

And, I was pleased as punch to read Calk's comment above!  Ever since first hearing her speak at our local Democratic district meeting last year, I have also been convinced that, in time (she is just 33), she could very well be our first female president.  

Funny reading the comment above about her profile pic!  This is Arizona, and you have to look good in pictures ;)  The photo in fact does a disservice to her very common look.



about 15 years ago

It is NOT illegal to have solar panels for private use in Arizona.  Where did you get that falsehood?


about 15 years ago

btw, Kyrsten IS very much a hottie!

But as Calk said, she is very smart, and has loads of personality.  The future is as bright as her smile... which is a very genuine and very bright smile.

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

Wow!! I am amazed that there has been progress in Arizona, I will tell my uncle who four years ago sold his house because he could not put a solar panel up.



about 15 years ago


I don't know that there was a prohibition on solar panels... what it DOES sound like is that a HOA (homeowners' association) may have prohibited it... that's a genuine issue...

HOAs are COMMUNIST (not Socialist) in concept and FASCIST in practice.

But there has been solar energy used in residential areas for some time...


about 15 years ago

I moved to Duluth last year from Tempe AZ.  Rep. Sinema is serious, funny, and smart.  She works with lots of differently affiliated people and gets things done.  At the event Sunday, she was, as expected, displaying all these talents in an upbeat yet relaxed talk that worked well w/Sen. Franken's.  For those of you who dont know AZ's general political climate, it is simply amazing that she keeps getting elected: she deserves it, given her hard work, but progressives like her don't grow on AZ trees.  Kirsten, you go girl!!!

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

      My uncle built a house in rural Arz and was told by the powere company and local law enforcement that he could not install solar panels. He promptly built his house, sold it( for a large sum of money) and moved to CO totally disgusted with the political climate.

I am however very glad to hear that our friend Kirsten is makeing some changes in the state.

Todd Gremmels

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

I would also like to add that anybody should have the ability to put up any type of renewable energy device on thier land (as long as it is safe and does not interfere with the current ecology ie bird migration). 

I would also like to add (not that this is any license to let my uncle do what he wants) that my uncle was on the third wave of Marines into the beaches of Iwo Jima as well as Sia Pan and that he should be able to put what ever he god dam well wants on his roof. 

Todd Gremmels


about 15 years ago


I agree with you... 

Being involved with politics and journalism some, I would have suggested he contact an attorney or a lawmaker or something.  It sounds like the rural electric cooperative didn't want the competition.  But I'm not sure they had a right to tell him that...

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

I like your angle!!!


Todd Gremmels

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