Peace out, Duluth!

Maybe you’ve read this post from my Facebook note, but in case you haven’t succumbed to that monster …

As some of you already know, I will be moving out of town soon to be with the love of my life, the wonderful and lovely Rebecca Zaban, in St. Paul.

Nine years is a pretty good run, though. I’ve made a lot of friends up here, and I’m grateful for all of you, but this no goodbye, just an update for those who don’t see me often enough to know what’s going on.

We’ll be living in the Irvine Park neighborhood for a while. I’ve got a job at Mississippi Market in the deli kitchen; my first day is on the 8th oh July.

Expect an all encompassing ART/BOOKS/MUSIC GEAR, etc. BLOWOUT-SALE-PARTY sometime in July at my old house (more details later).

It’s been fun, Duluth. I hope you will still let me sleep on your floor when I’m in town.

Peace out!


P.S. @ Paul & Stephanie, as of last night I am now in possession of your painting that I owe you. Can I drop it off tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon somewhere before I head south?  if so, where?  if not, umm …  we’ll figure something out. I swear.

P.P.S. @ mevdev, I still have your Schoenberg Harmony book. And, sorry I didn’t return your call about the party invite. I meant to, but I forgot. Also, my phone is still sort of broken.

P.P.P.S. @ Starfire, do you still have any Duluth Quacks and/or gnome shirts? I want one, but I realize I may have missed the boat.

P.P.P.P.S. @ pdd, God, I’m going to miss this town! Bye everybody! Thanks for all of it!

1 Comment


about 15 years ago

It's about time a nice lady found you!

Keep producing!!!

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