Duluth elite rock snobby pizza joint

Come see Duluth elitists Cars & Trucks this Saturday with Minneapolis’ Story of the Sea and Self Evident.

Neither Story of the Sea nor Self Evident have played Luce before, but I’ve heard they eat at the ones in Minneapolis so that earns them a spot in our clique, right?



about 15 years ago

looks good enough for a poke!


about 15 years ago

I thought Story of the Sea played at Luce with the Dames years back.


about 15 years ago

possible i suppose, but the dames weren't really the dames after i left the band....

kidding, of course. they were much better.

you know who

about 15 years ago

Tokyo StormTroopers
Tiger Blue Death Squad
possible not yet confirmed popular Twin Cities Electropunk Band and maybe 550 Million Society
Thirsty Pagan 

It's my birthday, so I don't expect any of you to show up.


about 15 years ago

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

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