BOLD-choice Theatre
CHOICE, unlimited is a private nonprofit agency dedicated to supporting individuals with disabilities. CHOICE, unlimited’s mission is to provide quality services to adults with special needs leading them to greater self-determination and independence. The BOLD-choice Theatre Company was developed to help more fully realize this mission.
Romeo and Juliet’s Tragic Comedy is an original piece created by the BOLD-choice Theatre Company based on the Shakespearean classic tale of star-cross’d love. In the BOLD version of the story, the characters face the realities of discrimination, stereotyping, alienation and group think. They also experience the joys of young love, friendship, family and unification. As the story unfolds, the actors themselves get a chance to share the challenges they have personally encountered, as well their own hopes and wishes. Romeo and Juliet’s Tragic Comedy allows the audience a chance to experience a new world with an entertaining and honest twist on the age old story of love and hate. The play encourages the ideas of thinking for oneself and looking beyond pre-conceived notions –questioning why we act the way we do toward people who are different than us. Romeo and Juliet’s Tragic Comedy brings to life the beauty of finding similarities among one another and appreciating the differences that make us unique.
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about 16 years agopurple
about 16 years agojmcc
about 16 years agoannie
about 16 years agojmcc
about 16 years agopurple
about 16 years ago