Emily Haavik Posts

Emily Haavik – “Do You Think You Protect Me?”

Last year a small team of women in Duluth and Minneapolis, each from a different artistic discipline, received funding from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council to produce a multimedia piece drawing attention to the lack of safety for women and the need for accountability from men. The result is “Do You Think You Protect Me,” an original dance music video.

Emily Haavik – “All is Bright”

Duluth native Emily Haavik released an original holiday song and music video today. A group of her friends recorded segments to help put the video together. Haavik performs the song with Phil Miller on cello and Dave Mehling on bass and guitar. The mix is by Mehling and the mastering by Eric Martin. Proceeds from downloads go to help Haavik’s friend Sonya Goins fight breast cancer.

Emily Haavik & the 35s – “Take Me to the City”

Duluth native turned (Twin) city girl Emily Haavik has a new video, produced by AMPonStage, featuring a new song recorded at Underwood Recording studios in Minneapolis. The video also features another Duluth native, Dave Mehling, on guitar.

Haavik is opening for Matthew Mayfield at First Avenue’s 7th St Entry on Dec. 10.

Emily Haavik & the 35s: “Ease Back”

Brand new video from the album being released tonight at Blacklist with Jerree Small.

Shot and edited by Michelle Truax.

Emily Haavik & the 35s – “Candle” and “Good Heart”

A pair of music videos by Duluth band Emily Haavik & the 35s. Above is “Candle,” recorded at Scratch Studios in Duluth on Jan. 12. Video by Michelle Truax with help from Sarah Feyder. Audio by Aaron Boothe.

Emily Haavik – “New Beginning Girl”

emily-haavik-2016-photo-by-brandon-wagnerDuluth native Emily Haavik returns home from the Twin Cities next weekend to release her debut album You Were the City. The CD release party is Dec. 11 at Beaner’s Central.

The album was recorded last winter by Jason Wussow in the basement recording studio at Beaner’s. According to Haavik, the song “New Beginning Girl” is the “catchy” one.

Duluth Band Profile: Emily Haavik

Emily Haavik looks like any other person you could see on the street. But when she’s on the stage, you hear something larger than life. Click on the image above to hear the interview.

Emily Haavik – “Please Don’t Go”

Mark Lindquist turned me on to this song by UMD student Emily Haavik. When I went to her MySpace to listen, I saw “1 plays” on the song counter. So Mark must have been #1. I’m #2. Check it out. I dig it.

(Note: The original MySpace embed no longer exists; the SoundCloud embed replaced it in an edit to this post.)