Perfect Duluth Day’s Best Videos of 2007

Best Videos of 2007

Gluttony, couch surfing, back-country skiing and live music at a video rental store are all subjects in this year’s collection of the finest Duluth-related videos.

Twelve Moons on Gitchi Gami
Mark Ryan’s video capturing the moods and seasons of Lake Superior through images gathered between April 2004 and April 2005 on a Web cam in Canal Park. Originally posted February 26, 2007.

Low – “Breaker”
The gluttonous music video for the song from the album, Drums and Guns. Originally posted March 24, 2007.

Found Sound Animation: Duluth Speech
Scott Bateman found a recording of a speech about Duluth and went to town on it. Originally posted April 26, 2007.

Chester Bowl Water Skipping
The spring thaw provides some interesting opportunities at Chester Bowl for skiiers, snowboarders and people with an extra couch. Originally posted July 2, 2007.

Chester Creek Slacklining
A dude named Matt crosses Chester Creek on a 35-foot high, 55-foot long highline. Originally posted Oct. 5, 2007.

Haus Meeting Live at Mr. Movies
There isn’t really a better place for live music. Originally posted Dec. 13, 2007.

Leatherheads Trailer
“You think you’re the slickest operator in Duluth, but being the slickest operator in Duluth is kind of like being the world’s tallest midget if you ask me.” Originally posted Dec. 18, 2007.

Fresh: A Lake Superior Surf Film
Some icy surfing on the big lake. Originally posted Dec. 20, 2007.

Low Choir Practice
Low rehearses for a holiday concert, performing “Happy Christmas (War is Over).” Among the choir members: Marc Gartman, Greg “Cougar” Conley, Jerree Small, Jennifer Jones and Amy Abts. Originally posted Dec. 21, 2007.

Backcountry Powder in Duluth
Sam and Henry take to the hills for some backcountry skiing and snowboarding. Originally posted Dec. 30, 2007.