The North Shore

Travelogue video by Ethan Larsen; music by David Naegele.

The Slice: Gowns of Glensheen

Glensheen Mansion has 16 gowns on display at the historic estate this month. The collection includes dresses ranging from the late 1800s to the 1920s.

In its series The Slice, WDSE-TV presents short “slices of life” that capture the events and experiences that bring people together and speak to what it means to live up north.

Forty-three Seconds at Holyoke Park

Holyoke Park is a small community park in Holyoke Township, about 20 miles southwest of Duluth. The Net River runs through it.

The Prism

In the YouTube description of his new video shot in Duluth and Superior, Eric Nordrum writes:

I’ve tried to be as open and honest about my mental health as I possibly can. I’ve struggled with severe anxiety and depression for ten years and I recently made the decision to start living my life again. I’ve made a lot of life changes recently and I wanted to express how I feel through this video. The concept is simply that we all go through a lot, and sometimes we seem stuck in an endless world of grey, but if we see it through to the end and try to see the bigger picture, we can start filling our lives with color and happiness again.

Rich Mattson and the Northstars – “What’s Your Story?”

The latest music video from Rich Mattson and the Northstars features home-movie travel footage, edited by Reggie Pype. The track is from the album Totem, released in January.

The band plays a street show in Virginia on July 11 with Horse Fzce and Charlie Parr.

The Slice: Harbor Symphony #2

Ships and foghorns create a misfit symphony in the Duluth-Superior Harbor.

In its series The Slice, WDSE-TV presents short “slices of life” that capture the events and experiences that bring people together and speak to what it means to live up north. Composer credit for this clip goes to photographer Ted Pellman.

Meatballs clip with Duluth pennant in background

It was 40 years ago today — June 29, 1979 — that the screwball summer camp film Meatballs premiered in theaters. In one scene, Tripper and Rudy (Bill Murray and Chris Makepeace) have a conversation while a Duluth pennant hangs in the background.

Trio of Romping Red Fox Pups

Sparky Stensaas captured this trio of red fox pups romping around on a gravel road in Carlton County on Sunday.

I’m from Minnesota, Land of the Cold Air

Twin Cities commercial drone pilot Tyler Mason produced this tribute to Minnesota, as seen through drone footage of the state, with music by Atmosphere. Most of the shots feature the Twin Cities area, but there are glimpses of Duluth and the North Shore of Lake Superior.

The Definition of Love

Mikaela Sarran, public health education intern at the University of Minnesota Duluth, created this dance piece for the I Love You Institute. Her rhythm is kept by collaborators who answer the question, “How do you describe love?”

More Then Merry – “Duluth”

Oshkosh trio More Then Merry released a song called “Duluth” on the 2017 album Long Live Vinyl.

Grandma’s Marathon 2019 Video

Because this video of the marathon automatically starts playing, it appears after the “read more” tag instead of on the home page.

Ann Kathryn – “Papier Mache”

Recently released to the web, Tomas Soderberg’s video for the Ann Kathryn song “Papier Mache,” produced for the Homegrown Music Video Festival.

Beyondbliss – “Super Computer”

New song by Duluthian/Alaskan Beyondbliss, produced by Boi King Koi.

The Slice: Superior Street Reconstruction Phase II

In this video, City of Duluth Senior Engineer Duncan Schwensohn talks about the reconstruction of East Superior Street, including a brief mention of the basement extensions of some buildings, which run under the sidewalks.

In its series The Slice, WDSE-TV presents short “slices of life” that capture the events and experiences that bring people together and speak to what it means to live up north.

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