dinondelilah Posts

Kaleidoscope: Save the Date

Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin Lakes and Pines present the third annual Kaleidoscope for girls and adults on April 30.

Literacy Volunteers Wanted

Do you enjoy reading with children? Can you commit to one hour per week for three months? If you said yes, please consider becoming a Volunteer Literacy Tutor with the Minnesota Reading Corps and spend time one on one building literacy skills of children in grades K-3. Positions are available at Lowell and Piedmont schools. To learn more, e-mail jaime.jost @ duluth.k12.mn.us. On Twitter: @Duluthreading. We regularly hold literacy events, so if you’d love to volunteer but cannot commit to the time period, consider volunteering for one of our events!

Call for participants and UMD Creative Writers: Story Telling Project

In conjunction with local organizations (such as United Cerebral Palsy Duluth) and group homes, the Storytelling Project will match UMD writing students with people in the community who have mental and/or physical disabilities from Cerebral Palsy.

Plastic Bag Recycling

Does anyone know where I can recycle plastic shopping bags (besides Walmart, because I have heard a rumor that they sell them for their own profit)?