Selective Focus: November

Hugh Reitan

Hugh Reitan, untitled

Limbs (of trees) stripped near to bare, firewood cribbed, quilts at hand, larders stocked. This is the month that Maslow’s hierarchy seems tangibly real, unless you’re an artist and thus inclined to invert the pyramid. Many diverse takes this week, despite my dread that a theme so prospectively barren would go unchallenged. Credit a strain of Scandanavian fatalism? Anyhow, thanks.

On then to lighter fare. Next week’s theme will be “bliss;” whatever modicum of it we’re able to glean from this otherwise bleak procession. Send images without watermarks or signatures by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m to tim @ — 1000px at their largest dimension — along with title (if any), and URL of your website, Facebook page, Tumblr, or Instagram.

Zach Kerola

Zach Kerola, untitled

Paul Schonfeld

Paul Schonfeld, “Election Season”

Paul McIntyre

Paul McIntyre, untitled

Paul McIntyre

Paul McIntyre, untitled

Shawn Thompson

Shawn Thompson, untitled

Tim White

Tim White, untitled

Cheryl Reitan

Cheryl Reitan, “Yellow Maple”

Cheryl Reitan

Cheryl Reitan, “Geese”

Paul Schonfeld

Paul Schonfeld, “Riding Home”

Tim White

Tim White, untitled

Aaron Reichow

Aaron Reichow, “Neighborhood Stag”

Ann Klefstad

Ann Klefstad, “November, Two Cords”

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