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Once In A Lifetime
I just have to say that I’ve had “Once In A Lifetime” going through my head almost constantly since I saw that ad for the PDD help page. So now I must share with you all the absolute strangeness that is the video. Thank you, PDD Designer Gods!



Wow, let’s me edit after posting!

Looks different–I’m sure there’s all kinds of new functionality here. Looking forward to more of the same madness and even some new kinds. Thanks for all the energy you’re putting into new kinds of community. This forum is one of the things I look enjoy repeatedly checking in with on an almost daily basis.

A New Dawn


Congratulations guys, it looks good. It will take some getting used to. Whenever you have a regular hangout that changes, even for the better, it’s kind of a shock to the system to see the look of the site so radically different. I can’t speak for everyone but I certainly appreciate the effort.
